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Tuesday, January 28, 2014


January 17, 2014

Dear ACLU,
Last month I sent you a copy of a letter that I wrote to Governor Snyder.  I put you down as a cc, on that letter.
We pay drain services and get no service.  Bessie Creek has not been touched in thirty years.  It needs to be open and I need to brush hog my property.
Coincidently, I received a letter from DNR, January 7, 2013, requesting my presence at their meeting, which I obliged.   At that meeting, I requested drain service to DNR, and the Van Buren County Drain Commission (they came and sat by my side, to talk directly to me -- “We would like you to give us your land rights.”  They had paperwork to sign there). 
I requested they open our drain.  They told me they deliberately refuse to service our drain.  DNR and the county highway drains are causing water backup and flooding properties.  We pay drain fees.  Some people pay more than one drain fee.  Michigan law says we have the right to a drain, and they charge farmers drain service.  In this case, the drain fees got used somewhere else.  
The reason I sent my letter as cc to your office is, I believe Department of Natural Resources is violating America rights.  Certainly  they have to attest to the fact that they kept valuables which I left at their office, when they locked me out; and, the local Paw Paw, State Police Office physically removed me and threatened to file charges of Hersey against me, if I filed a claim (for my insurance purposes).
State police have since verified my verbal claim; however, they have currently not returned my property as I requested they should.  We have a twofold problem.    Farmers and I need the creek open and we pay services.  Written in Department of Natural Resource handbook, the law says we have this right. 
 At this time, I have written letters, spoken to Committeeman, State Representative, Senator and Congressman.    State Representative Aaric Nesbit, laughed and then told me that as far as he is concerned, I have no rights.  Senator Tonya Schutemaker shook my hand and promised to get back with me, then ran the other way (at a meeting).  Nobody has answered my letters. 
The act of locking a US citizen from public offices is a true civil rights violation, among other things.  Public humiliation, name-calling (office head at Department of Natural Resource, called me “creep”, and physical threats by state and federal officers is another questionable ethic. 
It is confusing to write proper letters and get no answers.  I  get derision and mockery, or nothing. 

I have a Master Degree, studied writing, history and architecture, recognized as a serviceman who went above and beyond the call of duty, former block captain (Chicago), no criminal history, graduate of a police academy and writer/publisher.  How much education does one need to get the drain cleaned?  How many cops does it take to return the goods I left at Department of Natural Resource office?  What government openly denies citizens licensed rights? 
I am enclosing a copy of the letter I sent Governor Snyder, and need advice to better explain myself.
 We are preparing the creek for depth charges.  For safety, we are planning to do it at night while the neighbors are sleeping.   Some friends have told me that I might seek council with an attorney.  I need somebody to know what I am doing, as habendum, and perhaps you might assist me.  Thank you.   RSVP. 
Johny Appalachia

In addition:
Oakland County Executive, Republican Brooks Patterson said they would like to round all US Indians up to put into a concentration camp in Detroit and throw some grain in.  Executive Patterson is insulting not only Americans, but also everybody else in US; including himself, unless he was a carpetbagger from Europe.  It is coincidental perhaps that his announcement came shortly after my letter which I addressed to, Governor Snyder; and which ended at, Jeremy Hall perhaps been read there.  With that type of mentality currently running Michigan, it is reasonable to expect ignorance to our letters.  Ignorance is inexcusable for genocide.  I am concerned that Michigan State Police physically removed me from their office, threatened to charge me with Hersey, and currently holding that which they have no right (seventy thousand dollars, or equivalent, the same as what I left at DNR office).
At this point, I have no response from either Governor Snyder, or President Obama, since nobody has directly addressed my concerns, and it seems miniscule on their agendas.  Our creek maintenance was abandoned by the state and drain inspector, who never visited, let alone maintain it.  We want to open it and drain our backlands that the county is using for highway drainage, which floods them, preventing land access.
Coincidently, my problems got escalated by Department of Natural Resource, when they told me they refused to comply with my taxed right that they charge everybody for, cleaning our drains.  Then they say they have no money, while absconding with funds.  We have a solution to clear the creak within moments.   The law says we have the right.  The county has no excuse to continue flooding our backlands.   DNR told me they want to take it away within a decade.  They say government does not recognize people, it only recognizes infrastructure.  With that attitude and the fact that top leaders in Michigan are talking about genocide while calling US, Indians, is a supreme insult to government and also humanity -- to talk of sacrifice-- , while calling them “creep”, and restricting them from public offices, charging services and literally stealing -- dishonesty.
Department of Natural is also giving mineral rights from public lands that they acquire, to Department of Environmental Quality, for Fracking auctions.  They told me, “We want you to give us your land.”  They had paper work to sign. 
Department of Natural Resource told me they want me to sacrifice.  I want to sacrifice Department of Natural Resources and Department of Environment Quality.  Those organizations have no right in America, as they currently work for oil companies; it is an open joke in Michigan.
 DNR wants fracking rights.  We are currently sitting on a large oil field.  Oil companies working with DEQ, say they can steam roll it through Michigan courts; and do.  This oil belongs to me.  If oil here gets drilled, the company is mine, when I drain the land and drill to one thousand feet.       I can erect vertical wells as a fracking alternative. 
I want my creek open to drain our backlands.  We paid for it.  Law says we can have it.  We can open.  The process seems redundant at this point.  I spoke with several people who expressed interest, and seem to agree with me; one offer to help, with ample supplies. 
Do Americans have civil rights, when Republican Party top officials recognize America without Indians, while calling for Indian genocide; it is no wonder that an Indian will not lead the exclusive caucus.  That should frighten every American, not only “Indians”, as they call us.   We are actually Algonquin, Mashpee, Wampanoag and thousands of others you never heard of; nevertheless, we exist openly, about twenty-million in US.  President Obama expresses his concerns about being black.  You cannot hide that.  We hide too well.  Imagine the way we feel when proper people like, L. Brooks Patterson say what most party members privately reveal.   This is the worst kind of insult to America.
To date, my letters (fifty) to President Obama have gone unanswered.  I received a form letter, shortly after my last letter, which I am enclosing.  He appears to be saying that we should continue the oil route until we have a solid alternative.  That means that he will not stop fracking operations in Michigan, which supplies twenty percent of US gas. 
Department of Natural Resources told me that they would like to start with twenty acres of my land, and with my mineral rights.
Department of Natural Resources is giving, Department of Environmental Quality, publicly obtained lands, and selling mineral rights to oil companies, at auction (private). 
I have a very large oil field (Department of Natural Resource told me).   They told me that they want to take my land.  I wish to start drilling for oil on twenty acres of land, with three wells, this spring.    In this respect, I am offering to open Bessie creek quickly; whereas, the county neglects it. 
Even though Department of Natural Resources kept money, I left at their office (an heirloom worth seventy-thousand dollars).  Police refused to take a report.  They physically pushed me from their building, and threatened to charge me with heresy, if I press charges.  In response, I wrote a letter to President Obama, requesting a Federal Restraining Order on Department of Natural Resources, and Michigan State Police.

The Honorable Rick Snyder,
Governor of Michigan,                                                                                                                                                        Office of the Governor,                                                                                                                                                      P.O. Box 30013
Lansing, Michigan 48909

Dear Governor Snyder,
 Thursday, January 31, I attended a meeting DNR set at Lake Michigan College.  While seated, a DNR agent told me that they wanted mineral and land rights.  I inquired about my drain rights. DNR told me I have none, despite paying for drain service.  Tiles are surfacing from neglect, which concerns local farmers.
A week later, DNR locked me from their office while retaining merchandise I had left there.  When I went to State Police Local Headquarters, they physically removed me from their office.  They said they would charge me with Hersey, if I filed charges.  Months later, my claim verified, they are still holding valuables. 
I have brought this matter to a committeeman, State Representative, and State Senator.  I also sent email to Terri Lynn Land. Nobody has answered me to this date.  
Several weeks ago, I sent a letter to our Commander and Chief to request Federal protection and a restraining order to protect our properties from those same offices that locked me out, until such time when we can hold a meeting in a neutral zone where we can resolve this as State, Federal and Native American. 
Johny Appalachia
President Barack Obama, ACLU, Michigan State Police Hq

  “Put a fence around it, round up the Indians and throw corn”.  Praise you and the church you live in, Oakland Executive Patterson.