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Friday, July 1, 2011


They call it, our alternative to AARP.  They encourage us to quit AARP, in exchange for their card and newsletter.  They call it, “traditional values” – whatever they mean by that statement is shallow and unclear.  They want us to know that, God hates homosexuals; and, they completely ignore, hermaphrodites.  CSA, compares, President Obama with, Fidel Castro, and George Bush, with Hitler.  How very Christian indeed!
According to, CSA, it is OK to use our Social Security money for fighting wars; instead of keeping our money in a fund, set aside for only the purpose of assistance to seniors, and the disabled.   They support the wars we are fighting overseas, using our Social Security funds to help finance the endeavor; all-the-while, referring to, God, and Christian.  They never condemn, the war, or talk about the numbers of people slaughtered in the streets of, Syria and Libya.   They do not mention the atrocities against women in, Nepal, where they are forced into slavery, or the brutality and bestiality that is practiced against women in other countries.  They do not encourage, women’s rights. 
Aside from lambasting, President Obama and calling for a, Battle Plan (their own words), CSA promises nothing.  Their leaflets are aimed at seniors; they hope to scare into their group.  Their tactics are about as Christian as the Taliban is Muslim, spewing adjures and fomenting fear.   
While it could be argued that homosexuals choose to be that way, it is hard to apply the same logic to hermaphrodites (people who actually poses both sexes).  One has to wonder what God had intended for them.  Is it OK for hermaphrodites to dress as men, or woman?  Can they marry and lead normal lives?  Can they be Christian, Muslim, or Jew?   Does God love only homophobic Christians, while the rest of us are condemned?  Should we be shot in the streets, just like the Egyptians; Africans, Syrians and Libyans, just like at Kent State College where, National Guards fired directly into the crowd – as an, Indiana Judge recently suggested, in regards to peaceful demonstrations in, Wisconsin?
CSA is a group that does not acknowledge our, First Nation (native Americans who have lived here in harmony for centuries).  The United States Government does not recognize most native Americans – only the ones on reservations – and the burden of proof is upon us.  They forget all the wars, where we were drafted; or, encouraged to fight for them, while their children went to college.  Nevertheless, they are asking us to join them in their plight to ignore people who they consider lesser than themselves.
Johnny Appalachia

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