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Sunday, July 3, 2011


Here we are, a year later and it is time to look and see where we are.  Are things better or worse?  If dispensaries become outlawed, it will be another victory for the wealthy minority party.  The State wants a law to ban dispensaries from being located, within 1000 feet of their churches.  It is kind of like, English law; it is against their law for a peasant to look, Royalty, directly in the eye.  The State does not want its Christians or Muslims looking at dispensaries.  They have properly figured that most of them are within 1000 feet, making them a sore spot for the eyes of, Jesus.  If one thinks about the new law, lots of homes and businesses can visibly obscure dispensaries that are within 1000 feet of most churches.  The existences of most dispensaries are not usually advertised.  All dispensaries have rules to follow; people must be sober, they cannot be drunk and disorderly.  People who have visited dispensaries say they are peaceful, unlike bars.  Most people are courteous and polite.  Ages and cultures vary, but, all visitors share serious health problems.  They tend to be sympathetic, and compassionate.  Many people, who use Marijuana, claim that as one side affect, they become tolerant.  Maybe we need less of that type attitude, while we wobble on the brim of, World War Three; while, we are hoping to be touching the cusp of, Aquarius. 
Churches moving away from areas that are within a thousand feet of them, is a good idea.  Most dispensaries really do not want settings that invite harassment.  The problem is that within any locality, there is usually a church within a thousand feet of commercial and residential dwellings.  It is kind of like our, First Nation, all but forgotten, pushed into horrific places where, Jesus’ Christians, do not have to look.  The problem is that most places are within 1000 feet from a church.  Let us face it; people like to live in communities, near churches.  Their homes and businesses are in their communities, all within 1000 feet.  By passing a law that makes dispensaries illegal, our State is discriminating against, Medical Marijuana users.  What about our, First Nation rights?  Would they not supersede?  Why would our State attack us, while we are native to this land.
 Our State has mounted a massive campaign against, Medical Marijuana, a law that, we, the people in our state voted on.  They show on television, private residences of people who they suspect of growing, Marijuana.  They spend  $1, 400,000, in each county annually, searching for marijuana.  They make very dramatic and public entrances onto suspected growers’ properties; driving high profile, Cadillac Escalades, dressed in, Rambo outfits, armed with machine guns.  They have airplanes and Para gliders that circle properties, searching for marijuana.  It invites theft.  Victims have no recourse, as they are not protected by our, Bill of Rights.  It is a poorly kept secret that many, State Troopers already have lists of registered people in our state -- they just are lobbying to make those lists legal for them to possess -- giving them the authority to be more physically and openly aggressive against people who are licensed to use, marijuana.  The same people who feel poor people should have medical care, and will not give them free prescription drugs, food, or shelter, are against the use of marijuana, as medicine.
Seventy percent of our voters approved the use of, Marijuana for medicinal reasons.  Thousands of people registered and there are thousands of people backlogged into our system.  Many of these people never used, Marijuana, prior to it being recommended by a doctor.
These people are currently discriminated against.  Doctors working for hospitals will not recommend, marijuana; hospitals will fire them if they do.  People who go to the hospital are now asked if they use marijuana.  Those who use marijuana are treated as inferior people -- their privacy is not respected.  The hospitals may give that information to police. 
Our State wants to pass a law that refuses to accept doctors who recommend using marijuana.  They want a law to read that only a primary doctor can make that judgment.  The problem with that is, most primary doctors will not make that decision, fearing job loss over their consciences.  Patients could name recommending doctors as their primary doctors, but, insurance companies do not cover those doctors.  Insurance companies lobby against, Marijuana.  In other words, with the stroke of a pen, Marijuana will be illegal again -- and making with it, a new group of criminals -- people who use, Marijuana for health reasons.  That amounts to the, English, passing a law against our, Declaration of Independence. 
No history is taught about our, first generation.  Today's children do not even recognize, Abraham Lincoln, our first, Republican President.  Most of our, Mi'Kmaq is taught by word of mouth.  Most, Americans, will point out that we had a crimson past; while, they are quick to forget the dreadful, smallpox, that wiped out most, Americans, in one century.  Much of our first generation heritage is lost, and we are lost with it.  Therefore, we forget peaceful generations that lived harmonically together for years.  Our nation’s history teaches us that we have thrived in times of peace and war lead to our demise.  It is too late to finger a villain.  We are better to reason logically, which paves a way for what we think is impossible.
Our American Declaration of Independence, and, Bill of Rights is the most singular and important document ever to be passed into this world.  It says we are all equal.  Unfortunately, the founding fathers did not recognize, woman, blacks, and, First Nation.  First Nation, might be thought of as the equivalent of the first, Welcome Wagon; you never knew what you were getting.
Currently, we recognize that, all people created equal, is applied to men, women, and children.  We discourage discrimination.  Discrimination dies hard in some groups and will only cease by the grave site.  Some people, current legislators, view our people as lesser, while favoring corporations.
Everything relates to, Michigan residents.  Can we afford imports?  How much can we do for ourselves?  The State legislators are evading the issues, while they pass laws against, medical use of, Marijuana. 

 We have a choice in this matter.  For the registered people and a million others who support us, we can stand up with pride, together.  We can be proud of our friends. our supporters and ourselves.

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