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Monday, December 5, 2011

Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,
I imagine that if you get this letter, the Secret Service has already read it.  I realize your job to be important; however, I really believe you should read this and decide if you wish to believe me.  When I first thought about this, I talked with lots of people, only a few thousand.   These are the Wall Street demands.   I am told that many people are with us on this list.  If you look at Syria today, I feel our demands are realistic.
I suppose a person may only go so far, without being (vetted) checked out.  I turned myself in, to be checked out by the FBI.  That is to prove myself, as I do not wish to be harrassed.  For whatever it may be, please note that I have an Honorable Discharge, and also served Chicago as a Beat Rep.
No amount of good deeds ever done can ever make up for one wrong deed, done in deliberation.  This I realize.  I hope I have led a good life and may continue this way.  I believe there are many people who believe in you.  I was one.   I have and respect you as President.  The sentiments that you and, Mrs. Clinton echo are our dreams.  No child should be hungry, and all should have shelter.  They are noble goals that we could only meet in a perfect world.   We refuse to accept that.
In this campaign we need to run issues, not faces.  In reality today, it is impossible to run for Vice President, as everybody knows.  Our Constitution states that if enough people petition, unfair rules may be overturned, unless we are reduced into slavery.  In many ways, that is what has transpired with our US Treasury.  As a direct result, we have fifty percent of our nation living in poverty, as I witnessed. 
I took a bath.  I am applying to America, for the job of, Vice President.
Mr. President, anyone may open this letter.  I believe you should be the one to read it.

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