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Monday, December 17, 2012

Dear Mr. President

DearMr.President,                                                                                                                                                   and First Lady Michelle,
I guess something struck a note in you the other day.  You seem to have a knack for communication, except when it comes to our budget.  There are lots of people who would like to just go in and say, “Pass the budget.” 
With two sides unwilling to compromise, we need our public to step in.  Our constitution implies that we are doing everything together.   Communication has never gotten more complex; and, I think about all the letters I have written to you, requesting only one thing, the opportunity to meet Dr. Chen.  The idea of an Appalachian peasant meeting the prestigious doctor seems absurd, unless you consider the years it took me to get my degree, and why I am Faculty. 
If I were President today, I would tell Congress there would be no Christmas break, unless your budget got passed!  That is strong language from a peasant.  You need to understand my emotion for all the down-trodden people, as they tend to coagulate. 
I would tell Congress, there are millions of Americans who will not have a home, or Christmas this year.  We just gave over a thousand dollars to one, literally starving family.  Both parents got fired, dismissed for serious illness.  The mother is taking computer classes to get her Master’s degree, in effort to get another job.  She was a manager. 
This is why we need your budget passed before Christmas.  If you have it in your heart, please read my letter to Mr. Boehner. 
I have written you many letters – many handwritten – and you have never directly answered me.  Sometime, you need to look at a couple of my handwritten letters and reflect on all the arthritic pain that goes into my efforts.   
You should reflect on what you say sometimes.  Ronald Reagan said, “Tighten your belts,” I  lost everything but a back pack.  I could not believe my ears when you said it.  The saying dates back to Europe.  The belt originated to carry personal affects.  Notches in a belt measured hunger.  They referred to the most inner notch as the death notch.
Last weekend, I served lunch to 300 people – about a quarter of the town – and it was the only meal for more than a handful of them.  There were people there with their belts tightened to the death notch.  Some parents have stopped feeding their children because they have no money.  They leave the children at the mercy of our system, which is poor.   School lunches which used to be hot, are the only meals some children get.
What happened last week is very sad, and people across our nation morn.  However, the children I served are worse off than the slain children are.  They have to continue living, in hunger, while Congress stalemates a budget!
Johny Appalachia

Friday, November 30, 2012

Dear Mr. President,                                                                                                                                                         and First Lady Michelle,
OK, I am sending my lunch money.  You asked me to come aboard with five dollars.  The problem is, I’ve been on board for years.  I initiated ideas that made differences around others and me.  I stared in programs that benefit communities – MMVSP (a volunteer ski patrol), NRA, YMCA, Neighborhood Watch, Police Academy civilian graduate, Block Captain, Fiftieth Ward, and former election judge, to name a few.  I have a graduate degree in Leadership, from Higgins Lake Institute, and I am recognized in some capacity by several universities.  Michigan State University has recognized my achievements in landscape development.  I have a certificate in Landscape Design.  I design and build landscapes.
My other interest is in writing.  I was once offered the position of, Scribe, at a large temple in Chicago, but they reneged on it because I am not Jewish.  They said it would not be kosher.  My hand was accurate enough to write in their books, but somehow they considered dirty.  If you would ask those people who they are, their answer would be, Jewish American or just American.  Somehow, my native heritage has no place in our nation.  That was my impression.  It still is.
I shall not be recognized in holy books as a scribe; nevertheless, it currently appears that some of my work might garner recognition very soon, as a major university requested some of my writing.  The differences between rich and poor are only like day and night.  Wheels of progression steep favorably toward rich people.   Most people have little hope to be average, and many of those hopes are dashed at early ages.  It is difficult to sell education to a person with an empty stomach.  I know.
The education you can get at a university far surpasses and commands recognition over most street level educations; however, there are still acceptations to those rules – or should be.  When common sense tells us our nation is failing, we have a legal right to change it, according to our constitution.  Even if that were not the case, it is a human right.  Our constitution says that.
Being on board can be tantamount to standing on an empty raft in the middle of a river. 
Newt Gingrich goads us to get a suit and education.  Bishop Romney sets a Christian example, that we should cut out programs that benefit poor people and this will bring America prosperity.  I think it is hypocrisy.   If we put all campaign money in a basket, it could pay our national debt.  Then we could improve our infrastructure while removing structural laws that impede our poor.   You can see how evenly divided people are.   Getting rid of PBS and public services will keep pocketfuls for pilferers under the rubrics of corporations, but it creates poverty and great voids between gluttony.  Our problems differ in our interiors, where most legislators give the least of representation.  This includes major cities that once thrived, and today they are retro-depression eras. 
Taxes have increased.  Wages decreased.  We also have double digit inflation, and need to address, China. 
If we lower taxes for poor and retired people, that will give some relief.  Laws must be passed laterally for banking industries, and job loss should not be a factor or reason for bank foreclosures.  There should be an employment office that guarantees employment to jobseekers.  That should be backed by US government.  It would help to create, free-of-fee universities.  Everybody attending is required to do community service.   People get certificates for attendance.  Their skills can be recognized and demonstrated.
As you ponder on the direction our nation is heading, perhaps we should make direct efforts to bring real prosperity to our nations.
P.S.  My ribs are healing; I finished one ceiling, and am preparing for an instillation, this week.  I was unable to get health care, because Humana Insurance would not assist me.   Imagine being unable to sleep for a week because of pain. 
Johny Appalachia


Friday, January 27, 2012

Dear Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,
I would not write to you, unless I felt that I needed to.   Do you know how many letters, I have sent?   I am not a betting man.  I think that betting is illegal, according to Federal rules, except in casinos and special events, normally channeled to charities; however, members of congress and governors make public bets, on national TV.  That sends us an image of the true meaning of government; it works against most people while encouraging corruption.   I sent you four letters.  Do you know where they are? 
The problem with governments vs Democracy, is that governments impede democracy.  The “loopholes” that rich people use are heavily weighted against our poor.  In this campaign, I have not seen one candidate refer to us; it is always, “them”, or “the poor”.    That clearly illustrates that none of the – not our – candidates really has a clue as to the state of our union.  Both, the governor of Arizona and Mitt Romney, further clarify that point.
The idea that a buffoon can pretend to understand street people is utterly preposterous.  Mother Therese once said, in order to understand the poor, you have to be poor.  Poor people, such as Appalachians, understand poverty.    It would be unheard of, for a President or Vice President to live among the poor.    The idea that a candidate can pretend to understand, “the poor”, while most people who get to be candidates are already dripping in wealth, is ludicrous. 
All of the candidates understand our national problem, we are in debt, we over borrowed, we overspent.  Notice the, “we”, that generated, on what we did.  Nobody pointed fingers toward the throat.  They welcomed us into our national debt, and furthermore, they handed us the bill.  At the same time as they were generating our debt, they were selling our jobs to governments overseas.
You were extremely fortunate.  When you leave the, White House, you will be heading home to Hawaii, were you will befriend the big island chief, as I have already.   However, you will leave most of us behind for your new private life.  And life will continue. 
The above scenario is redundant for most rich people.  When computer geeks started getting rich, they immediately abandoned their middle class communities, not to mention “the poor”.   People manage their insecurities with illusions of wealth and power.   That is why there are no poor people in higher offices.  That is also why the office of, President is so important in this country.  That is why unprecedented amounts of money are spent on campaigns.  It is a game that is monopolized by the rich, because it has been given a price tag.
Ron Paul is a perfect candidate to represent, our Republican party.  He would strip the Fed of most power, leaving States to delegate.  In many ways, he is correct in his assumptions that people can take care of themselves, and we do not need a big daddy to step in.   He would further the, Nixon plan to immobilize and abolish, our Social Security.   And he would legalize drugs, so we might be able to obtain some while starving, with no Social Security.
The poor, is the furthest from any candidates mind.  After all, they are rich people, seeking greater riches, and all the power that comes with it.  That is why, I believe that the position of, Vice President, should be a no money, face-book campaign to represent our poor people and our working class.  Of course, this will not happen, as long as the rich are in power.  We really need to fire our legislators, and elect a new group of people – not legislators – to really affect positive changes, such as immediate job openings for people who are unemployed and seeking employment.  We need an employment office that has officers actively looking for full time, long time employment, for those who wish, and not temporary jobs, or jobs paying minimum wages, unless those wages can be subsidized.   
Big Government, is government that makes concessions for the rich, while penalizing the poor.  If you read, Hawaiian history, their dictators enforced capital punishment on poor people, for eating fruit while they were starving.  You might also like to study old, New England chronicles as well.  It makes a point that poor people were much worse off, before programs like, Medicade and Social Security were invented.  If  Franklin Roosevelt had not contracted polio, we might be worse off.   
Poor people are not poor out of desire.  On the Federal level, we should have working class, as well as, poor people representing us.   The President does not have time.  We need a, Vice President who will represent our working class, and live among us.   
Most legislators, and our Supreme Court System,  recognize Corporations as “a person”.   No one can say that there are any poor corporations.  In other words, corporations are recognized as, rich people; and they write the rules to their rich games, in politics.  The game of politics is to keep people poor, so that that rich people can appear to be secure, giving them, Supreme Power.
I would prefer to see people like, Senator Bernie Sanders, in office.  His education is an asset, yet, he struggled for years to be recognized in, Washington.   I would vote for him because I know he is concerned for his constituents and others as well.  He is not selfish.   If he were running for President, I would ask him to be his Vice President, and he would probably dismiss my request as lame, if he ever read my letter.  However, he is human and it is easier to profile people, especially if under pressure.  People want to be seen with people who are credible, even if they are opposite.  Wealthy people and corporations are the only ones who can afford to be officers; everybody else is working or looking for work.
Most of us are discouraged early from striving to take leadership roles.  There are confusing signals sent about, education – a broad term – and what is perceived to be education.   The gate closes beyond High School, for most children.  Scholarships come to mind.  They apply mostly to above average children, while mediocre students are stuck with the educations they can afford.   It is also cheaper to train foreign students and import them into, American jobs and adding to job growth statistics.   Newt Gingrich says, take a bath and go out and find a job.  He never tried to find work in the, Appalachians, as a poor person.  He did not look in, Berlin, N.H.
They say that, Vice President is a lame job.  They also say that it is our job to create our own jobs, after they sold their companies to other countries, keeping their corporations and profits safe from taxes and clean air regulations.  I believe that is the epitome of a third class society.    We did not put ourselves into a massive debt, we allowed corporations, and corporate politics to run our nation.  To say that we had a choice is untrue.  It is tantamount to blaming a rape victim for that crime.  We are saddled with their debt, and we would like to eliminate it, by taking control of our government that is said to have been created for us.
We need to recognize that a corporation is a group of people, and should not be treated as a person.  Corporations should not get government subsidies, for buying up farm land from our working poor.  Working people should be given subsidies to help them promote business and fairly compete.    We subsidized corporations, and they took everything over.  If we subsidize working class people, we can help to create a better quality of life for our children.
I believe the Vice President should have responsibility.  Besides being a congressional tie breaker, a Vice President should live as an ordinary person, among ordinary people, and should be able to lobby for our working class.   We are not ignorant, just because of poverty; in fact, many of us have better educations because we have to be versatile.    Poverty is a profile that we are saddled with.  It is as crippling as a birth defect and we are discriminated against, in jobs, careers and pay scales.  Nevertheless, some among us are accountants, and we know how to balance a budget, not create massive debts. 
I believe that we need a national audit, to trace the money trails and find out exactly where and how our tax dollars were and are spent.  I agree with Mitt Romney, that we need to give our legislators a fifty percent pay cut.  I believe him there, because I said it, eight years ago.  I also published the article, A PAYCUT FOR LAWMAKERS, in the Kalamazoo Gazette.
Bernie Sanders appeared on, Bill Mar’s show.  He illustrates that some people with great educations remain honest.  That is why I would ask him to be his, Vice President, because I would have better than a one in five chance that he would answer my letter.  He might even use me.  Sometimes, you need a completely different perspective, to make something work.  That does not seem to be important in, Washington or on Wall Street, today.
Sincerely yours,
Johnny Appalachia