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Friday, November 30, 2012

Dear Mr. President,                                                                                                                                                         and First Lady Michelle,
OK, I am sending my lunch money.  You asked me to come aboard with five dollars.  The problem is, I’ve been on board for years.  I initiated ideas that made differences around others and me.  I stared in programs that benefit communities – MMVSP (a volunteer ski patrol), NRA, YMCA, Neighborhood Watch, Police Academy civilian graduate, Block Captain, Fiftieth Ward, and former election judge, to name a few.  I have a graduate degree in Leadership, from Higgins Lake Institute, and I am recognized in some capacity by several universities.  Michigan State University has recognized my achievements in landscape development.  I have a certificate in Landscape Design.  I design and build landscapes.
My other interest is in writing.  I was once offered the position of, Scribe, at a large temple in Chicago, but they reneged on it because I am not Jewish.  They said it would not be kosher.  My hand was accurate enough to write in their books, but somehow they considered dirty.  If you would ask those people who they are, their answer would be, Jewish American or just American.  Somehow, my native heritage has no place in our nation.  That was my impression.  It still is.
I shall not be recognized in holy books as a scribe; nevertheless, it currently appears that some of my work might garner recognition very soon, as a major university requested some of my writing.  The differences between rich and poor are only like day and night.  Wheels of progression steep favorably toward rich people.   Most people have little hope to be average, and many of those hopes are dashed at early ages.  It is difficult to sell education to a person with an empty stomach.  I know.
The education you can get at a university far surpasses and commands recognition over most street level educations; however, there are still acceptations to those rules – or should be.  When common sense tells us our nation is failing, we have a legal right to change it, according to our constitution.  Even if that were not the case, it is a human right.  Our constitution says that.
Being on board can be tantamount to standing on an empty raft in the middle of a river. 
Newt Gingrich goads us to get a suit and education.  Bishop Romney sets a Christian example, that we should cut out programs that benefit poor people and this will bring America prosperity.  I think it is hypocrisy.   If we put all campaign money in a basket, it could pay our national debt.  Then we could improve our infrastructure while removing structural laws that impede our poor.   You can see how evenly divided people are.   Getting rid of PBS and public services will keep pocketfuls for pilferers under the rubrics of corporations, but it creates poverty and great voids between gluttony.  Our problems differ in our interiors, where most legislators give the least of representation.  This includes major cities that once thrived, and today they are retro-depression eras. 
Taxes have increased.  Wages decreased.  We also have double digit inflation, and need to address, China. 
If we lower taxes for poor and retired people, that will give some relief.  Laws must be passed laterally for banking industries, and job loss should not be a factor or reason for bank foreclosures.  There should be an employment office that guarantees employment to jobseekers.  That should be backed by US government.  It would help to create, free-of-fee universities.  Everybody attending is required to do community service.   People get certificates for attendance.  Their skills can be recognized and demonstrated.
As you ponder on the direction our nation is heading, perhaps we should make direct efforts to bring real prosperity to our nations.
P.S.  My ribs are healing; I finished one ceiling, and am preparing for an instillation, this week.  I was unable to get health care, because Humana Insurance would not assist me.   Imagine being unable to sleep for a week because of pain. 
Johny Appalachia


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