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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Letter to Governor Snyder

The Honorable Rick Snyder,
Governor of Michigan,                                                                                                                                                        Office of the Governor,                                                                                                                                                      P.O. Box 30013
Lansing, Michigan 48909

Dear Governor Snyder,
 Thursday, January 31, I attended a meeting DNR set at Lake Michigan College.  While seated, a DNR agent told me that they wanted mineral and land rights.  I inquired about my drain rights. DNR told me I have none, despite paying for drain service.  Tiles are surfacing from neglect, which concerns local farmers.
A week later, DNR locked me from their office while retaining merchandise I had left there.  When I went to State Police Local Headquarters, they physically removed me from their office.  They said they would charge me with Hersey, if I filed charges.  Months later, my claim verified, they are still holding valuables. 
I have brought this matter to a committeeman, State Representative, and State Senator.  I also sent email to Terri Lynn Land. Nobody has answered me to this date.   
Several weeks ago, I sent a letter to our Commander and Chief to request Federal protection and a restraining order to protect our properties from those same offices that locked me out, until such time when we can hold a meeting in a neutral zone where we can resolve this as State, Federal and Native American. 
Johny Appalachia

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