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Monday, December 8, 2014



Modern media morphed into a new form, some time ago when internet communication became popular.  In many cases, the informed are quicker to post news than most generic news medias.  Lots of people brows the net daily, combing for new news they can only get independently from TV.
Most recently, events began unfolding across America, tailing massive demonstrations globally.  Many of the same issues ensue, as our constitutional rights were essentially stripped, shortly after September 11, inferno.  That date separated classes into categories of rich, and expanding poverty.  James River was already in history books, a paper company giant that spun off across other countries, as trees disappeared, making paper production appear cheaper in other counties, where slave-labor is historical from onset, and people are considered worthless commodities.
Expanding issues cannot be hidden under rugs, or concealed by ignorance.  These issues must be addressed.  Politicians are paid to conceal the iceberg tip; the wealth they attract is too great, when nothing gets broken up, or melded back into community. 
Today’s issues of growing poverty and massive cutbacks for increasing homeless and downtrodden people, is direct result of blatant government corruption.  Homeland Security Act, consist of thousands of pages, and took years of compilation.  It is so massive that most legislators have never seen it; yet, it contradicts itself, making concessions for wealthy people, and granting immunity for public murders and segregations.  Nothing like this was ever written into our, Constitution, and much of it actually violates our, Bill of Rights. 
Issues arising from growing poverty are filling the coffers of rich politicians who are draining the funds from our man-made, free spirited government; and most people are controlled by the results.

It is the responsibility and job of every governor to encourage employment and increase production; at least fund an employment office.  Instead, they brag about people emigrating from other countries; they are talented, intelligent and work cheap for billionaire governors, their gourmandizing ways, foreign to most state residents, are overpaid with increasing taxes.  Not until we replace buffoonery with intellectual compassion, can we assuage these issues, let alone eliminate them.   But the issues surfaced and will remain ever expanding, until they get addressed differently.

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