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Saturday, November 5, 2016

No Winners With All Losers

No Winners With All Losers

     You expect honest not “rigged” elections.  As polls get tighter and voting-day threatens to cinch somebody into a term threatened with supreme hardships for the most disadvantaged half of US; deluged with massive sections with extremely severe weather patterns which gets mostly ignored while delegates smile and polls point at two pawns, the election is anybody’s guess.
     Men complain.  Women say, shut your eyes and vote; or, let them vote for you.  This election is a live, Nightmare On Elm Street; including Freddy Kruger, that ubiquitous character, along with, Bat Man type characters lurking behind doors in mostly closed offices to public.
     The country’s been sold out, one mineral at a time, from coal to uranium, along with wood and ending milling and mining industries for Americans.
     Most money spent is egregiously opposite to benevolent in principle.  Funding is for lobbyists and corporations they sponsor.  Appointed positions mostly favor experienced capitalists with Wall Street and related experience accentuated in world trading. 
     Money spent against everything humankind believes; for the sake of war to plunder and destroy that land it seeks to conquer.  How anybody – not to mention a complete organization – can keep volumes of files on each US citizen; along with massive collections including overseas and international people, is mind boggling.  There’s a list for everybody.  Those Orwellian predictions surpassed by, Robo-cops – police paid to respond without feelings or thinking. 
     This election is about principles and authority; specifically, who’s authority? 
     If one goes back to reading and interpretation of, US Constitution, and Bill of Rights; it addresses those issues we face today; human rights issues.  How does it compare to other past bills?  The English, Magna Carta, was similar and only lasted days before renewed revolution; as the article was written only for noblemen and robbers.  Public and most loyal crown defendants – peasants who were inflicted with greatest losses -- were victims of a fraudulent bill that intentionally bypassed benevolence, excluding most.  Our, Bill of Rights, was drafted to be better than others before it; giving everybody equality.  But, for years, it excluded women and children.  Thanks to prominent women who boldly accepted humanities challenge, that changed America – awareness that all people are equal – equal rights amendments began passing, as if they never before existed. 
     Today in modern US, mobs of people appeal for applications for citizenships, mostly unaware of reality changes that challenge them.  In particular, most easterners drag with them, antediluvian pasts. Mother wore headwear whenever going outside – for years.  It wasn’t until the church approved the presence of bare headed women, that she changed.  Most people follow similar thought trends, listening more to cleric’s advice, preferring that over their own.
     Buddhists claim we’re not responsible for our thoughts; teaching mindful and submissive practice.  That’s ideal for most masses who prefer not to think much about this scary world we inhibit.  Run by our clerics; heads of ministries and advisors who condemn or condone self-righteous acts, we stand forever on endless tract.  If a majority of ministers taught universal compassion, instead of opting for wars; and, they each stayed out of politics, as was written in US Constitution, we might fare better in, America.  

   But, politics and religion in US, goes hand and hand.  Ever want to get people religion, put them in politics.  Suddenly, they become eulogists and God praising; while war is always right around the corner.  Our priorities take a turn south from there.  We sell and supply arms to our Israeli friends and neighbors; many of whom live and vote in US, holding dual citizenships, and doing little in comparison to assist the diminutive Palestinians, we arm Israel against.
     We waste one half of US budget on frivolous wars; while our politicians line their pockets, selling overseas deals.  No wonder, dictators love financing US elections; and the reason so many senators become millionaires, and explains why too many people confront abject poverty.
     If we’d eliminate war programs, we could eliminate US poverty, with savings.  Why do Eastern people want relocation to US?  Most of their lands are dessert and deserted.  US has more people entering than leaving.  That guarantees constant changing US demographics. 
     Moving millions of people into US has greatly stressed our infrastructure.  You can’t hire new people without firing others.  Jobs decrease while populations increase and are heavily competed for.  Most US jobs pay only a minimum wage.  Most employees are advised by their employers to seek additional assistance in food stamps.  Those same frugal employers can claim massive annual incomes while avoiding income taxes.  Working people cry foul.  Shouldn’t giant corporations afford fair wage packages and foreseeable futures for employees? 
     No matter what is said, most issues concerning this election, concern Americans with the fact that about half the nation is unemployed at any given time.  Those statistics are hidden in mandatory retirement packages, layoffs, etcetera.  Offshore companies make most profits for US.  Unaffordable, they call US.  It’s cheaper to ship refrigerated chicken to offshore factories where high standards get overlooked and less time is consumed in cleanliness.   A nation cannot inflate populations, cut wages and jobs, borrow money to do that, and expect solvency. 


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