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Friday, December 15, 2017

Pocohontas -- The Savior


Her name, Claudilia, by her father, Wahunsunacoch, the Pohatan (Great God); meaning, forest flower, exposed her true beauty, early and lifelong, demonstrating responsibility to live unto the expectations bestowed upon her by those both Anglo and Algonquin, as her history may imply.    A beautiful woman in childhood and throughout life, she lived the meaning, pocahontas (her name as known to European people) – the savior, as translated into English. 
     Also dubbed, Mataoka; Algonquin for, sanguine, Claudilia demonstrated both traits of a monarch and the most simple, Jesus.  Both often traveled accompanied in entourage; each willing servants themselves.  They had few if any possessions other than cloths they wore. 
     Remarkably, Claudilia – her chosen Christian name, Rebecca (ironically, the saint); became the first recorded Christian Virginian and virgin, who sacrificed her life by living mostly among Englishmen; speaking both English and Algonquin, and reading and writing in, English, as an English captor and in life bondage. 
     In person, she may have as well emulated the character of the later living, Nelson Mandela; a chief and captive of, English also, but, livelong African resident.  Much like Mandela, Claudilia, the Pohatan chief’s  daughter, became separated from her chosen mate, and carted off for incarceration.  Just as Jesus and Mandela, she was a God loving, innocent person, greatly overpowered by orders of, England royalty, in the name of, God and divinity.
     Her tail of irony, misconception and miscommunication, she became an object, caught between objections of her tribal father, and European invaders, whose sole purpose was to capture the chief, as practiced in previous escapades, and implement slavery, and plunder US. 
     Wahunsunacock, the Pohatan, witnessed the arrival of three ships anchoring at a fishing shoal, near a swampy peninsula, the first Jamestown Virginia expedition. He suspected they were evil, and prepared for their demise, while baiting them.  An emperor of the northern confederacy and the Algonquin Empire, he would know the happenings within his territory and beyond; as wampum belts witnessed.  He knew they were after him.  
     Virginia Company, a company sanctioned by the King and Queen of England, was sent with their blessings, in the 1600’s, landing in Virginia, in the fall of 1607, with the sole intention of taking possession and claiming the territory, already inhabited by a colony of people living there, hundreds of years -- first viewed as, non-existing, inhuman, savages; akin to soulless animals, as pointed out by early missionaries. They were wrongly mistaken.
     Animals can neither own, nor habitat private property; according to royalty (Gods of divinity).  Therefore; all land in US was waiting for Europe and everybody else to visit, occupy, maintain, and plunder, in the name of, Jesus and all the other European Gods, which are forever fighting each other over their designated holy lands; which is completely illogical.  But, under that rubric, that company came with the specific plan for tribal inhalation; as in past escapades, a common, European practice for at least that time.  
     Perhaps he’d realized the fatality of his people, and yet knowing, he nonetheless tried everything within his power to avert the invasion, even sacrificing a daughter he both prided and respected.  His exact age was unknown, but believed to be a septuagenarian, as he’d witnessed several generations behind him manifest and mature.  He understood his fate as equal to that of a buck in the wilderness, caught between cruel nature and that hand of, God, that invisible entity which created visible earth.   Always great from birth, not by birthright, but by demonstration and shear whit, the great chief, the pohatan, Wahunsunacock, conveyed his wisdom in a way no European man could comprehend, other than maybe,Jesus or Chief Mendella.  For as fearful as he’d seemed, he wasn’t scary enough to match the massacre of millions, lasting centuries; while continuously conning those who followed them from their origins, and unto that promised land of milk and honey.  He being wise, watched from distance, and communicated by servants, one servant leader being one daughter, Rebecca Rolf.
    It is unknown just how many children this great man sired, or his method, but only of that one daughter among many who were captured by Jamestown Colony; only because she appeared docile and to completely embrace that version of, Christianity at that time availed to her, in name of a saint, Rebecca, for about half of her short life.  Exactly how many children she’d had prior to her capture, is unknown as the history of her native union.  Her position pocohontas -- Savior of Jamestown Colony -- understood by her brothers, and mostly ignored by settlers in Jamestown.  
     Had her father had his wish, they’d be abandoned and frozen by spring.  Rebeca took upon herself, having already spoken for the man she called her second (God) father, and saved his head upon her shoulders, she chose to feed them rather than witness their grief. It is irony she suffered with truncation of her own life, because of her humanity.
     In exchange for her favor of their survival, unable to entrap the emperor despite their superiority in arms, they resolved to capture the maiden who’d rescued them; overriding Captain John Smith's promise that they should leave, indefinitely.  As providence would have it, this woman now an educated bilingual, and further tutored by, John Rolph; resolved to meet the English royalty, with intention of resolution.  That denied, she died within a year of reaching, England, and never acknowledged.  
     John Rolph, returned to America, to claim the land for, Virginia Company, and England royalty, in the name of deity.  To date, no true Virginian (native American) may hold offices of, President, Senator, Congressperson or Governor, as written in federal law, US.  This law is yet to be challenged. 


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