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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Letters to Governor Whitmer

Governor Gretchen Whitmer,                                                                                                                    
111 S Capitol Ave, Lansing,                                                                                                                                                        MI 48933
January 09, 2019
Dear Governor,
     Congratulations on your new office.  Lots of laws were passed in order to limit a Governor’s authority.  Believe me, you have lots of authority.  I hope you use it in a good way.    Some things you need to address; don’t cave in to demands of bullies.  If the President can raise wages amidst a depression and government shutdown, you can cut State Senate wages by fifty percent.  That would be a good start. Those people are mostly bought out by corporations and taking kickbacks for cheating tax payers.  That’s my opinion.
     Seriously, there is led and PFOS on our territories, and we didn’t put it there.  They (European poachers) are still claiming and destroying our territories.  Last fall, I advised four armed men on two different occasions that they should leave.  They were poaching deer and duck.  I told them we have lived on these territories for eleven-thousand years.  We are US citizens and we pay taxes.  We know we’re different.   Police fail to recognize us.  They invade our territories.  DNR steals mineral rights when they can get away with it.  We push back.
     Coincidently you’re part of our hope for understanding between Native American Michigham indigenous people.  We recently powwowed to discuss our new law on Marijuana that we wrote.  It is illegal for State Senators to change in any way, our law, without first discussing it with us, and adhering to our wishes, which are minimal.  
     I would like to leverage ten million dollars with the, State of Michigan and make an attempt to work with working class people.  I would like to build and sell solar power plants from factory and display.  In exchange, we can also legally start commerce, using resources we already have, and eliminating state debt.   At our powwow, we discussed setting up the first State non-profit affordable exchange.  What if we could lower the cost of living in Michigan?  Inflation is destroying the states, creating poverty.   This problem progresses southward.  People are starving while starving people march north.  But what concerns me more is, Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Venezuela and concerns about Brazil as well. 


     Another matter of concern is rumor of a law forbidding arms or self-protection to medical card holders.  It would be illegal to pass such law.   They don’t take guns away from alcoholics. It seems counterproductive, as we already made Marijuana legal – twelve recreational plants for everybody in Michigan, of age of consent and adult awareness.  We have over a million legal medical growers in Michigan; more than enough to make a legal market.  Why not let us work together?  
     If they want to take guns away from people, why not take guns from poachers, including the Federal Officer who neighbors my property and poaches from deer stands on this land?  They have destroyed several hundred adult trees, and a lot of vegetation, not to mention contaminated soil.  Who will fix that?  We do not need marshals policing us on our territories; rather, we wish to be recognized by the state as what we are, Native American.    We are also tax payers.  How many years should one pay property taxes on territory?  Do you believe retired people and people who collect Social Security or Medicare should pay property taxes?  Why should people pay taxes on, Social Security? 
          I am working on my Doctorate and meet bimonthly in Indiana, with several professors, lawyers, doctors.  We study rare documents.  Have you ever read, The Wise Men of Chelm?    Are you aware of a book, The Wise Women Of Chelm?  What about, The Eye of Time?  These are rare works which we are privileged to examine.  We are writers as well.  Most of my writing is on a shelf at the library; labeled, Rare Books. 
     I have a Master Degree in Leadership.  I hope you can view your term as daily and active, not yearly and lame duck like previous governors.  Should you happen to read this letter, would you kindly contact me to assist with our other matter; redistricting our state? 


                                                                                                                                  Johny Appalachia

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