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Sunday, December 11, 2011


Ron Paul – “ In order to fix the situation, we have to understand it and take action.  If you trust the government to think, and act for us, you are all in trouble!”  “Understand the Constitution”.   “Let other countries take care of themselves, they have been fighting each other for years.  The fighting will not stop in our near future.”  “Teach tolerance and non-violence.”  Slogan:  We can prevail!

Rick Santorum  --  cut taxes for the rich, not poor – cutting taxes on the poor is absurd. 
Practice “prudence (a Bush-ism),  work with Israel, not Palestine,  “Obama is the problem, not Newt Gingrich, comes from a modest background.  He blames our problems on, American family breakups. 
Mit Romney --  eliminate capitol gains for rich and middle income earners.  Publically waged a $10,000 bet with Rick Perry.  Perry paused, then refused (  Is it legal to bet --   Do they not have a law against it?)
“States may do what the _ _ _ k they want,” during his administration.  “We can all learn from them!”
It was later pointed out that is a big chunk of change for most Iowans.
We later learned, the average anual Iowa wage is $40,000 (probably means some people make much more, while the rest make much less).
He promises sobriety, care, and stability – with his plan.
Gingrich – he always had a job growing up, his folks were poor, he believes in the work ethic.  Kids, get jobs erasing the chalk board (who uses a chalk board today, when classrooms use computers?), go out and find part time employment (where?) , find a job in a café.  --  His address is Rodeo drive  in Washington DC. 
Claims to be 180 degree difference with, Obama (it shows, in that he took an oath to not raise taxes on the rich). 
Everyone bashed Obama (Obamacare)
English should be the “Official” language.  He is a Historian.  He appears to know nothing about our Native Americans, or First Nation.  He does not recognize, Appalachia.
He claims to be a small business, book marketing.  He makes very big money, as American entrepreneur.
He comes from a small family and is now rich, “the American way”.  Makes money, selling speeches and books to corporations.
He believes that someone, an indentured servant for a wealthy Arizonan, for instance, should be naturalized in 25 years, if a fine is paid.   He stated, there are 11 million illegal aliens, working in this country (who is paying them and why are they allowed to get away with it?)   Wal-Mart hires them.  They hire them to work on new buildings, while living in basement communities –  “ don’t blame it on the rich.”
Favors Israel as a sovereign nation.  Did not mention the Israeli text books, or Rabbis who preach hate.

Work – use Block Island for example – it is owned by the very rich – they tax the very poor, who also have diminutive jobs, or no jobs.

Rick Perry – owns  Nigger Head Lodge,  agrees with Romney, “Let the states dictate”, “balance the budget and cut spending (but not corporate perks), refers to himself in third person, indicating he does not take direct responsibility for himself, echoed what I have said for 20 years – give legislators a fifty percent pay cut (I think he is lying about that one).  He said, Ron Paul is the root of our problems.
He was praised by Newt Gingrich who said, “Perry ignites fire! (at least that happened in Texas – it caught on fire, after the Perry – led prayer meeting – they already had drought and famine, none of which he has solved with his prayers.
Perry, Backman, former runner Cain,  and Romney sometimes refer to themselves, as a third person.  Perry – have kids clean blackboards
Bachman appeared to make a Freudian slip, “Newt Romney”, and used it to emphasize that both are basically alike.  She is a tax accountant and knows how to use food stamps.     Said Palestinians preach hate in their schools.  She did not mention what they teach in Israel  (I guess they are the good guys and teach only good things there).
Bachman refers to a strong religious background – “God, wants me to fight abortion”, “God wants me in the White House”  had slogans, “Fight fight, fight, win, win, win”.   
Cutting taxes on our poor is unacceptable.   Corporations are what drives today’s markets, not “Mom and Pop stores” – nobody shops there anymore.  People should rely on corporations for all business.  They should get tax breaks and be subsidized.  They make jobs.   She said, “Trust me.   I am moths and feathers out the window (whatever that means).”   
What about, PG&E?  That’s a corporation.  What about Hinkley and Schmidt – they are said to put carcinogens’ in their water.   (See Aaron Brokovitch, on clean water).
She is opposed to bailouts (behind closed doors).  Claims to be middle class (has much more than most people), started working at 13,   gets incentives.

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§  Johny Appalachia Ron Paul – “ In order to fix the situation, we have to understand it and take action. If you trust the government to think, and act for us, you are all in trouble!” “Understand the Constitution”. “Let other countries take care of themselves, they have been fighting each other for years. The fighting will not stop in our near future.” “Teach tolerance and non-violence.” Slogan: We can prevail!
Rick Santorum -- cut taxes for the rich, not poor – cutting taxes on the poor is absurd.
Practice “prudence (a Bush-ism), work with Israel, not Palestine, “Obama is the problem, not Newt Gingrich, comes from a modest background. He blames our problems on, American family breakups.
Mit Romney -- eliminate capitol gains for rich and middle income earners. Publically waged a $10,000 bet with Rick Perry. Perry paused, then refused ( Is it legal to bet -- Do they not have a law against it?) 
“States may do what the _ _ _ k they want,” during his administration. “We can all learn from them!”
It was later pointed out that is a big chunk of change for most Iowans.
We later learned, the average anual Iowa wage is $40,000 (probably means some people make much more, while the rest make much less).
He promises sobriety, care, and stability – with his plan.
Gingrich – he always had a job growing up, his folks were poor, he believes in the work ethic. Kids, get jobs erasing the chalk board (who uses a chalk board today, when classrooms use computers?), go out and find part time employment (where?) , find a job in a café. -- His address is Rodeo drive in Washington DC.
Claims to be 180 degree difference with, Obama (it shows, in that he took an oath to not raise taxes on the rich).
Everyone bashed Obama (Obamacare)
English should be the “Official” language. He is a Historian. He appears to know nothing about our Native Americans, or First Nation. He does not recognize, Appalachia.
He claims to be a small business, book marketing. He makes very big money, as American entrepreneur.
He comes from a small family and is now rich, “the American way”. Makes money, selling speeches and books to corporations.
He believes that someone, an indentured servant for a wealthy Arizonan, for instance, should be naturalized in 25 years, if a fine is paid. He stated, there are 11 million illegal aliens, working in this country (who is paying them and why are they allowed to get away with it?) Wal-Mart hires them. They hire them to work on new buildings, while living in basement communities – “ don’t blame it on the rich.”
Favors Israel as a sovereign nation. Did not mention the Israeli text books, or Rabbis who preach hate.
Work – use Block Island for example – it is owned by the very rich – they tax the very poor, who also have diminutive jobs, or no jobs.
Rick Perry – owns Nigger Head Lodge, agrees with Romney, “Let the states dictate”, “balance the budget and cut spending (but not corporate perks), refers to himself in third person, indicating he does not take direct responsibility for himself, echoed what I have said for 20 years – give legislators a fifty percent pay cut (I think he is lying about that one). He said, Ron Paul is the root of our problems.
He was praised by Newt Gingrich who said, “Perry ignites fire! (at least that happened in Texas – it caught on fire, after the Perry – led prayer meeting – they already had drought and famine, none of which he has solved with his prayers.
Perry, Backman, former runner Cain, and Romney sometimes refer to themselves, as a third person. Perry – have kids clean blackboards
Bachman appeared to make a Freudian slip, “Newt Romney”, and used it to emphasize that both are basically alike. She is a tax accountant and knows how to use food stamps. Said Palestinians preach hate in their schools. She did not mention what they teach in Israel (I guess they are the good guys and teach only good things there).
Bachman refers to a strong religious background – “God, wants me to fight abortion”, “God wants me in the White House” had slogans, “Fight fight, fight, win, win, win”.
Cutting taxes on our poor is unacceptable. Corporations are what drives today’s markets, not “Mom and Pop stores” – nobody shops there anymore. People should rely on corporations for all business. They should get tax breaks and be subsidized. They make jobs. She said, “Trust me. I am moths and feathers out the window (whatever that means).”
What about, PG&E? That’s a corporation. What about Hinkley and Schmidt – they are said to put carcinogens’ in their water. (See Aaron Brokovitch, on clean water).
She is opposed to bailouts (behind closed doors). Claims to be middle class (has much more than most people), started working at 13, gets incentives.
Johny Appalachia We still cannot find work. We took baths and looked for work. Mr. Gingrich, WILL YOU PUBLISH MY BOOK, OR SHOULD I CONTINUE TO PRINT ON CLOTH?
4 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Johny Appalachia I speak of myself in first person. I feel responsible for myself.
3 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
Johny Appalachia Poor people are not poor, because they want to be. We have a national obligation to feed the hungry, cloth and shelter the poor, and take care of our sick people
2 minutes ago · LikeUnlike
The campaign just announced the Attorneys for Ron Paul Coalition. You can click Like to show your support. - http://www.ronpaul2012.com/2011/12/07/ron-paul-campaign-announces-%E2%80%98attorneys-for-ron-paul%E2%80%99-nationwide-coalition/
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas enjoys a national reputation as the premier advocate for liberty in politics today. Dr. Paul is the leading spokesman in Washington for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies based on commodity-backed currency. He is known among ...both his colleagues in Congress and his constituents for his consistent voting record in the House of Representatives: Dr. Paul never votes for legislation unless the proposed measure is expressly authorized by the Constitution. In the words of former Treasury Secretary William Simon, Dr. Paul is the “one exception to the Gang of 535″ on Capitol Hill. Ron Paul was born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Gettysburg College and the Duke University School of Medicine, before proudly serving as a flight surgeon in the U.S. Air Force during the 1960s. He and his wife Carol moved to Texas in 1968, where he began his medical practice in Brazoria County. As a specialist in obstetrics/gynecology, Dr. Paul has delivered more than 4,000 babies! He and Carol, who reside in Lake Jackson, Texas, are the proud parents of five children and have eighteen grandchildren. While serving in Congress during the late 1970s and early 1980s, Dr. Paul’s limited-government ideals were not popular in Washington. He served on the House Banking committee, where he was a strong advocate for sound monetary policy and an outspoken critic of the Federal Reserve’s inflationary measures. He also was a key member of the Gold Commission, advocating a return to a gold standard for our currency. He was an unwavering advocate of pro-life and pro-family values. Dr. Paul consistently voted to lower or abolish federal taxes, spending, and regulation, and used his House seat to actively promote the return of government to its proper constitutional levels. In 1984, he voluntarily relinquished his House seat and returned to his medical practice. Dr. Paul returned to Congress in 1997 to represent the 14th Congressional district of Texas. He serves on the House Financial Services Committee, the International Relations committee, and the Joint Economic Committee. On the Financial Services Committee, Rep. Paul serves as the vice-chairman of the Oversight and Investigations subcommittee. He continues to advocate a dramatic reduction in the size of the federal government and a return to constitutional principles. Dr. Paul is the author of several books, including Challenge to Liberty; The Case for Gold; and A Republic, If You Can Keep It. He has been a distinguished counselor to the Ludwig von Mises Institute, and is widely quoted by scholars and writers in the fields of monetary policy, banking, and political economy. He has received many awards and honors during his career in Congress, from organizations such as the National Taxpayers Union, Citizens Against Government Waste, the Council for a Competitive Economy, and countless others. Dr. Paul’s consistent voting record prompted one Congressman to comment that “Ron Paul personifies the Founding Fathers’ ideal of the citizen-statesman. He makes it clear that his principles will never be compromised, and they never are.” Another Congresswoman added that “There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few.”See More
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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Meeting With Lord

I love North Korea (Michigan) – do not get me wrong – you could not meet families that are more loving.  The problem is, we are the poorest community.  People are hungry and have no money.  There are no job openings.  Those who work are working for “nothing”.   Those who have anything to show for, other than a beer belly, are envied and coveted.   Folks look up to them and secretly – sometimes openly – hate them. 
For instance:  Let me reflect on the other day when I went out to collect rent.  Truly, it is not my place.  They call me, Landlord.  I am in fact, Consigliore.  My orders are from others, on that level.  I can usually tell when a tenant is getting ready to book on me.  Usually they start complaining about cockroaches (I have a service that takes care of that), or something else; such as, the screen door they broke, or that broken window (that suddenly appeared).  You get the idea. 
Evictions used to be rare for me.  I worked hard to keep places up.  Inspections reflected that, as well as, customers’ comments. 
That all changed when people all over began losing jobs, and nobody could claim steady work.  The last good tenant that I remember, was an accountant who ran onto hard luck.  The family was impeccably clean and well mannered.  They were always paid up, either ahead of time, or on time.  In fact, they were the only ones to send me money.  I have always had to personally collect.  They made their egress in the middle of one night, after paying their last month’s rent, and giving me a month’s notice.  Someone from the county was looking for them.
In fact, I understand the resentment of a person who does not know where the next meal might be coming from.  I grew up in Appalachia.  People were always suspicious of strangers.  We lived on a small farm outside town.  I got whipped for things I never even did.  Sometimes they beat me up, just for fun.   I almost got killed a couple times.  So, I learned to fight back.
I never enjoyed fighting the way some do.  My knees nock when I think about it.  My body trembles.  I brace myself, and prepare to move forward.
I spend little time reflecting on the twisted part of my childhood.  In short, it was not my fault.  I learned to defend myself, organized and faced problems.  I was very frightened.  On several occasions, I found myself within a ring of guys, who organized the bull fight.  I am a rather short person.  Most people think of me in a diminutive way, until they meet me.   Most guys I fought were much bigger than me.  I got beat a lot, until I learned to fight back.  I lost half my hearing, suffered headaches that persisted for months, and to this day, the ringing never stops. 
The last time I fought with a person, he stayed down.  I left that place, enraged.  I wanted to kill everybody.  It took more than a year to get back at everybody who was responsible.  People quit bothering me. 
We lived in a small town called, Pukrasnia Appalachia.  Everybody had problems.  We were living in a procrastinated, depression.  Infant mortality was common.  And, something else – we were being trained for war – or so it seemed.   Visit our town today and read the names on our wall.  The government did not put them there, we did.  We built the shrine with our labors, and our lives.
Anyway, my real problem started several weeks ago, with  the Constable.   He came to visit me with a bad attitude, and started writing citations on my property, immediately upon entering the premises.  That never happened in all the years I’ve been in business.  I kept it up.  The lawn has always been mowed.    However, the city is hungry – real hungry – they call it, preying on, “cash cows”.    Essentially, they make new laws and change old laws, to get the most fine money.  And they add people to the cash cow list as needed.
It seems I had acquired a boat on my rental property.  A tenant owns it.  I am somehow responsible, even though I did everything I could to get the boat moved.  There was only one problem.  It had no trailer (or motor).   The city passed a new law.  They decided they could create a fine directed at my newly acquired boat, that I do not own.
I expressed my amazement and he physically pushed me, to get past.  I seemed to be blocking his ingress.  At which time, I expressed my desire that he should leave.  He then decided that somehow this was abuse.  Nevertheless, he left begrudgingly, with half a foot up-the-arse, leaving me with a dilemma of what to do with the boat.
If you ever tried giving something away, you may empathize with me.  Craig’s List wanted to charge me and with all the lakes and rivers, there was nobody with a boat trailer.  I spent several weeks calling and visiting everywhere.  Nobody wanted to help.  Finally, I called up J.C. Lord.  He owns a marina outside of town.  His service handles sloops and Boston Whalers, ferrying them between home storage and dockside.  I paid him to move my newly acquired boat to a storage place in, East Gezus. 
The funny thing about coprolite is it is valuable if you are paying someone to move it, and worth nothing at all once it gets there.  That was my experience when it got newly dumped into the back yard to join a myriad of material that either decays and melts into the soil, or is cut up with a  Sawzall and becomes scrap that gets buried in history.
The whole incident transpired over an extenuated time table, where I suffered through it.  My tenant would have paid the bill, except he has no job or money.  They might get food stamps, maybe.  It does not help me.  What can I do, kick him out?  He is not lazy, just cannot find work.  Part of the problem in North Korea, is that most of the people living there are either Marshalls, or felons.  Marshalls are civilians who act like police, but really are not.  Some carry guns, while felons are not supposedly allowed to have any.  And we all have to take classes, once every three years.  The nice thing about North Korea, there are no police, just Marshalls, laundry folks, and felons.
North Korea has a certain stigma attached to it.  When people ask me where I live, I always mention, East Gezus.  More people can identify with that and are more comfortable with the folks there, even though they have their fair share of problems as well.  They are in fact, a part of North Korea (county); however they see it differently.  Some people have jobs and others own businesses.  Several real police live there.  We never call them.  They would not come if we did.  Too many things happen in North Korea, they say.  And, we have Marshalls, and a Constable.    

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mr. President

Dear Mr. President,
I imagine that if you get this letter, the Secret Service has already read it.  I realize your job to be important; however, I really believe you should read this and decide if you wish to believe me.  When I first thought about this, I talked with lots of people, only a few thousand.   These are the Wall Street demands.   I am told that many people are with us on this list.  If you look at Syria today, I feel our demands are realistic.
I suppose a person may only go so far, without being (vetted) checked out.  I turned myself in, to be checked out by the FBI.  That is to prove myself, as I do not wish to be harrassed.  For whatever it may be, please note that I have an Honorable Discharge, and also served Chicago as a Beat Rep.
No amount of good deeds ever done can ever make up for one wrong deed, done in deliberation.  This I realize.  I hope I have led a good life and may continue this way.  I believe there are many people who believe in you.  I was one.   I have and respect you as President.  The sentiments that you and, Mrs. Clinton echo are our dreams.  No child should be hungry, and all should have shelter.  They are noble goals that we could only meet in a perfect world.   We refuse to accept that.
In this campaign we need to run issues, not faces.  In reality today, it is impossible to run for Vice President, as everybody knows.  Our Constitution states that if enough people petition, unfair rules may be overturned, unless we are reduced into slavery.  In many ways, that is what has transpired with our US Treasury.  As a direct result, we have fifty percent of our nation living in poverty, as I witnessed. 
I took a bath.  I am applying to America, for the job of, Vice President.
Mr. President, anyone may open this letter.  I believe you should be the one to read it.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

President Obama, Please Hear Us

Dear Mr. President,
I met both sides on, Wall Street.  One side says we are unorganized.  They said take a bath and take a hike.  I took a bath, and went looking for work.  There were jobs from east to west and north to south – they were folding up – include our town.  About the time I came around, a stack of smoke was burning brown.   I walked into the city and put on a suit, taking courses with, Ken Schalene.  I could not afford a formal education, but the horse I chose to ride became a bride.
Therefore, I wandered to the other side.  They took me in with open arms.  I said that we should be in peace, and our children deserve better.   We owe each other for who we are.  I said to them we are now organized, three-hundred strong, and another three-hundred, million coming along.  We run our campaign on facts.  We are, ninety-nine percent, Children of God.  These are our demands:
End war.  Shut the military industrial complex.  All children should have a home to go to, a place to be fed, shelter, clothing, an education.  Everybody deserves health care.  Congress should respect our nation and our President.  Our President should reflect our wills, and should be living on a stipend budget, with food and lodging, and transportation provided while in office.   A severance pay to be given at the term end. The same shall go for Congress.   Fire Congress and replace them with our working class and our poor.  Take care of our poor, and hire them.  Recognize our, First Nation Americans, and our Appalachians.  It is OK to be poor; however, we can still be rich in spirit.  More than fifty percent of our nation is poor.  We do not choose poverty.  Most of us are born into it.
Reorganize our government structure to end political gridlocks.  Subsidize small businesses and end corporate monopolies.  Bring back our, Bill of Rights, and our American Constitution.  Allow it to apply to women and children as well.   End laws that promote profiling.  Stop making bombs.  We need to feed people, not kill them.  
This is America.  Abide by our, First Nation.  Give us our country back!
Johnny Appalachia

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Mr. Gingrich,
I took a bath today.  Show me the jobs! 
You say we are unorganized.  These are our demands:
Cut the defense budget and stop making bombs.   Respect everyone.  You have sabotaged every positive thing our President has tried to do for us.  Fire Congress.  Sign an oath to balance our budget within twelve months from now, without putting it on the backs of our working class and poor people.   Empty all the offices and  hire working class and poor people, who understand our problems.  Abolish the Homeland Security Act, and reinstate our Constitution and Bill of Rights.  Recognize only one type of law in our country, U.S. law, not repressive laws that discriminate against women and children.
End corporate monopolies and insider trading by Congress.  Banish lobbyists from our government.  Make it illegal for legislators and former legislators to lobby.  Bar nepotism. 
All children deserve a warm home, food and clothing, and an education without worries.  Hire working class people, and take care of our poor.
Recognize our, First Nation Americans and Appalachian First Nation Americans.  Leave Washington.  Give us back our country.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Dependable, capable of hauling heavy loads, and rugged, are the qualities I look for in a truck.  I have used all my trucks for work.  None of them has stood up as well as, Dodge has for me.  The other trucks all had one thing in common – rust.  My Dodge truck was rust free, when I traded it after ten years of dependable service.  It was an SLT model, loaded with all options. 
Dodge trucks are known for getting poor gas mileage.  My previous Dodge truck only got about seventeen miles per gallon, after I installed, four prong spark plugs, and a K&N air filter.  Prior to that, it got about 13mpg.  It was a V8, and outperformed any other truck I ever owned.  I drove it for ten years.  The heaviest load I towed was just about a ton (bricks).  I never carried more than a half ton in the truck bed; however, many of my, Dodge friends do.
The new Dodge truck V8’s, are said to be capable of about 20mpg, over-the-road.  Do not expect that to be normal gas mileage.  You might be more likely to get about 15mpg.  The new V8’s, can run on four cylinders while on the highway, if you have a light foot. 
I did serous research before buying another, Dodge truck.  The work I currently do as a landscape architect, no longer demands heavy loads and long cross-country voyages, on a regular basis.  Old Dodge trucks hold their value and there is a demand for used trucks, in good condition.
This time, I searched for a truck with good towing capabilities, and a smaller engine for better gas mileage.  Using the internet, I found the best asking price.  I spoke with, Robert Devereaux – an ex-Marine and three-time Iraq, VFW – at K&M Dodge, in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  I told him what I was looking for, described the truck I would trade toward the purchase price on a new vehicle. 
We made the deal over the phone.  I came in that day, purchased the vehicle and drove home.  It was the easiest deal ever.  I am not a salesperson.  If a person is shopping, I say, get the best deal wherever you can.  That being said, I enjoyed my purchase experience.  I do recommend, Robert Devereaux as an honest person to do business with, and I currently prefer Dodge trucks to all others, because of the service I got from my previous truck – it had no major problems, and amazingly, no rust in ten years.
My last truck was the quietist and most maintenance free truck that I ever owned, in forty years of truck driving. 
My new truck is a six cylinder.  It is actually quieter than my last one (that was a big surprise, especially after reading, Edmond’s review).  I usually haul only light loads, and tow less than a half ton, for short distances.  It is an ST with only the basics, cloth seats (comfortable), manual windows and locks, without cruise control.  Power is adequate for merging into traffic, or passing.   I would not hesitate to take it anywhere.  It is currently averaging about 17mpg; however, I expect that to improve. 
The normal Dodge warrantee is, three years or thirty-six thousand miles.  I purchased a lifetime warrantee, even though I drive less than I used to.  The paint finish is sealed and lower parts smothered in Z-Bart, to prevent rust.  I hope to have it in twenty years.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011



There are many legends in our valley.  God chose us.  She saved us.  We lived under our father’s image, chiseled into our mountain, the face of man.
If you looked upon the face of man, she looked rugged, centuries old, and her hair cloaked in white.  , Her shawl stretched for miles and covered great valleys where our families lived for centuries.  She was here, before we came.  Few people would ever see her, as she revealed herself.  Many touched her cloak, neither knowing her nor seeing that it was, She.   They were blind.
She came to me one evening in the middle of the night, and I slept by her side.  Many had died there, where she took me in and gave me life.   I saw her in a different way, and felt her presence.  She spoke very harshly.  I felt the wind in her voice as it tore at my cloths and whipped by my face.  Agiachohoc.
I told her of my love that was every bit as great as her cloak that covered her.   However, she would hear none of it that night, she turned me away.     I was tenacious and slept by her side, shielded beneath her right arm.  She covered me with her blanket while I slept.
The next morning as our father’s light crested, she was cloaked light blue, miles away, before sunrise.  She lifted her veil, exposing her beauty.  I looked upon her.  As radiant and splendid as she appeared, I asked her benevolence for the privilege to sit upon her right shoulder; while the sun rose to halo her head, where I could see the ocean, miles away.
Then, She, carried me back into her valley, where she healed my spirit and I gave her my love.  We united in spirit. 

My grandfather came to visit me one day.  I took him for a long walk to a place my father had once taken me.  We hiked upon a mountain trail until we came along the water’s edge.  There we sat, for a moment only to catch our breath.  I was young and eager.  He was much older than I, but there was spring in his feet.  His enthusiasm peaked as we hiked up toward the mountaintop.  We passed many caves while climbing.    Some were centuries old, while others less.  Carved for and by centuries; abandoned (the caves).
We pondered the significance, while we sat upon the crested mountain, when grandpa spoke.  He told me to look upon the water at the base of our mountain.    When I looked at the water, it was murky and brown.   I closed my eyes to look toward the sun.   When I looked at the lake, it was black.   But my eyes went farther, to the village in our valley.  Then, I lifted my eyes to the mountain beyond, and imagined how it would be at the other side.
Grandpa spoke.  He told me I would live to seek knowledge, beyond the mountains, to places he would never visit.  I asked him why.  He smiled and said we had much to learn.  Then I bounced down the mountainside.  My legs felt like springs.  While grandpa followed in a distance.  He called to me, warning me not to lead us stay, but I would not listen, and, we were lost in the valley, tired and thirsty, in the middle of the day.   Grandpa turned over some stones exposing before me, water.   He then displayed a compass.  Nevertheless, I found the trail quicker than he did.  
When we returned home from our climb, he looked tired and worn.  He looked upon the mountain and closed his eyes.  That was when he spoke again.  He talked about flowers that bloomed in spring and how they filled the valleys with color, only to wilt and fade, within hours.  Then he spoke of hearty flowers that were sturdy and endured many environments from our seasons start to finish, but they were often plain, sometimes containing healing qualities.  Another flower was slow to grow, but developed steadily over time, to bloom in fall.    He said that I could be that flower.
I told him about, She, the lady who wore blue.  He looked at me, with his eyes penetrating my soul.  He called her, Oombeketh, our native word for peace.  He pointed to, our mountain; and, She, appeared in white.   He told me that he would see her soon.   That could have been our last time together.  But he taught me many things, like how to live.  He taught me to look deeper than the surface.
I grieved for Grandfather, never knowing quiet what he meant.  We worked as a team.  He was kind and gentle, but firm; teaching me about life, and, to be a man.  Where others taught me differently, Grandpa encouraged.  He was tough, as  if chiseled off a glacier – and  there were many glaciers in the caves behind our home.  They were cold and dark, but not silent.  If one only listened, they might hear water droplets, plinking onto stone, covered over in ice.
Grandpa was my hero -- he could do no wrong.  I followed him everywhere.   He showed me how to survive.   I loved listening to his mellifluous voice; comparing it to a mountain brook, gently flowing over stones – although, I could barely understand his words.  We walked for miles, over the mountains, to settle in valleys hidden in the folds, taking time only to rest.  Our beds were fashioned from leaves.  We used the bows of elm trees in a grove, for shelter.  I sometimes called him, Pa Pierre.  Pa Pierre was different from everybody.  He seemed to be confident where others faltered.  Grandpa told me, I would never be alone; but, I would feel lonely, only in the city.  My spirit soared where mountains ruled.
Appalachia, I love you as forever, to worship at your feet, that we could see the tear in your eye, to watch the soldiers come, to make our nation die.  Where did you ever go that day, that day they cried, the day our nation died?  You ask me where I am and I stand before you, but you are blind as our nation unfolds before time. 
The legend says that centuries ago our land was deluged by a great flood.  Our fathers’ families fled to the great mountain to seek refuge while the waters surged around them.  In that way they were spared from drowning.  After the flood had subsided, our families returned to the valleys.  The mountain dawned a blanket of white as an extension of peace.  So it was our people were spared. 
For many years we worshiped at Agiachohoc.  We were with,  She.  She lived among us in our valley and we worshiped together.  But our history is equally as harsh.  For, as beautiful as the mountain valley was in summer, it was equally as horrific during our winters.  We traveled.  We hunted.  We fished.  Everybody lived for centuries.  And then, we were gone.  Vanished – forever in the midst of men, unseen and unheard.

I was dead to the world and into myself, lost in a fog and deep into wealth.   I was chasing a dream I should have not seen.  I was trapped in a world, and deep in myself.   And you died in my arms, when you put me to sleep, and I cried on your cheek, when I fell into the creek.  I was locked  in a world and deep in myself, chasing a dream I should not have seen. As I rounded a corner, sinking in dearth, seeking the dream and living in death, I was trapped in my world and deep in my dreams, living a life that no one had seen.  
You gave me your life when  you gave me a dream, deep in my heart that I’d never seen.   I was picking on cotton, deep in the south  wandering how and far and about.  And you gave me your love and you set me about.  You taught me to hate and you taught me to love.  You gave me your heart and I give you my soul.         I was down on my luck, deep in my dreams, dead to the world, not to be seen.  And, you gave me your home when you gave me your name, lead me to riches took me to fame, and you showed me your art, we were never to part, while deep in my heart, you were calling me still.

  There was sister Suzan she was ringing a bell, talking of heaven, going to hell, taking a toll on my mortal soul, and then breaking my heart and then throwing me out.  As I rounded a corner deep in my thoughts, fell into debt and had broken my neck.
Then you came in my life and you gave me your heart and you gave me your love and I gave you my soul.  But, a servant I’d be if not for thee.  You taught me your love when you showed me your soul.  While you showed me your art while you mended my heart,  I was there in your arms to be held, to be well.