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Friday, September 30, 2011


World War II spawned a new mistrust on a global basis, as members of the pure party set out to conquer their world.  God made them.  They were chosen -- the children of God.  Then, spread ordure like a fungus that covered everything.   That philosophy quickly fizzled, like ice cream going south.  Miners suddenly had jobs, as equipment was needed in a hurry. 
The guys that did not have jobs, got drafted in the Army.  Everybody had jobs.  They hired sick people to work.  Most everybody missed one important point.  Our geographical location was kind to us in that event.  Nazis squashed everything they touched.  The Japanese incident in Pearl Harbor is still heavily debated.  We later made friends and made up; as, it was rather a misunderstanding.   
Had we not existed on the cusp of a wilderness, we could have fought the war in, America.   Our distant location to a negative tumultuous event saved us.   People forget.  Today’s supersonic and futuristic devices allow world travel with ease.  Anybody can travel anywhere – theoretically. 
The war gave people work, but not the type of work that many men wanted.  The galley was a coveted place.   Most guys were randomly placed on the front lines to endure horrific sequential events.  They did not usually have women up there.  By the time they reached places like, Buchenwald, they went insane.  There were horrific consequences for POW’s.    Many of those soldiers were left permanently with war’s etchings.  Lots of soldiers became alcoholics. 
Not much was mentioned about the core  of what fought in the war, everybody was together; however, some were separated by race or color.   Native Americans hardly factored into the equation.  Truth is, they were there in great numbers.  It is common for, Appalachians as most have Native American ancestry. 
Most war survivors returned home, including some Nazis, and immigrants in search of a better life.
Fast forward, to a situation that came to light in, California.  Dad was a contractor in a plush neighborhood.  People like him.  He was reliable and people depended upon him, because they could.  Nevertheless, worked dried up; and there was nothing to do, except become a Nazi.   Dad was an exceptional Nazi who helped organize his neighborhood.  He was a leader and spokesman for the party.  As a spokesman, Dad gave TV interviews, espousing his charismatic wisdom.  Nazi philosophy, according to interviews is channeled hatred for races not Caucasian.  His Nazi utopia would be a combination of banishing and slaughtering all others; however, he was a nice guy and everybody loved him.  He was a good brother, father and family man.  
Dad was a family man and spent some of his time teaching his son about being a good Nazi.  They went on camping trips, intimidating and pistol whipping would be border crossers, before they could make it into town.  The son learned some hard lessons early in life.  One time while Dad slept on the couch, Jr. cocked a pistol and shot him in the head.
Cops say the kid was a bad seed – born evil – that is what everybody said when they interviewed Dad’s friends and relatives.  We could assume that.  They said that in school and everywhere.  Some kids are demons and should be cast off and forgotten. 
Police who interviewed the child, too small for prison garb and with lacking compassion described the deed in detail, explaining bluntly that Dad needed to stop beating family members, while he was drunk.  It was just a matter of time, they said before Jr. would use the gun, Dad taught him to discharge.  That is the story investigators told.
I guess we should take the word of experts who trained as professionals; and we need to believe Nazi behavior is acceptable for young children.  It reminds me of a question, Should Islamic law be allowed in, America?  – That has been circulating the internet.  The answer is no.  We in, America should live under our Constitution and Bill of Rights. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I woke up in a great mood to start thinking about, Christie jokes.  He visited the Regan library, and found him in a mound.  He could not decide between, Sarah Lee and Mrs. Butterworth for Vice President; and he exercises on the Milky Way.  It is hard to make light of such a big subject.  That is about all the humor in it.
He got my attention when he said it is none of our businesses that his children are in private schools.  It reminds me that the mayor of, Lansing made a similar type comment while he ran for, Governor.  The question was in poor taste.  Everybody knows that, nobody sends their kids to public schools, if they can afford otherwise.  Kids in private schools with poor grade averages are preferred to public schools’, Valedictorians.  Money goes a long way to financing education.
Many people seem to like, Governor Christi, including celebrities.  He cut the budget on public education.  His children do not have to go there.
I know less than a paragraph on the governor.  My concern, he makes decisions that do not apply to himself.  Nevertheless, that channel of thought is normal for politicians who want the best for their families.  We need to focus on what is happening to most people around the globe, and initially in our country.  Our government is due for a national audit, to see where so much money was spent; also, a committee needs to form and decide what to do about it.  Real issues are about, government waste and lost jobs.  We need to start a real employment office.
There is literally tons of work, as massive flooding damaged structures and altered landscapes, as well as neglected maintenance.   Fifty percent of adults under twenty-five, are unemployed.   Our government is telling us, we are broke and in debt, but there is security on, Wall Street.  That is, Demagoguery.  Somehow, our level of plebian taxation is afflicting our, Social Security.  That is misrepresenting our poor and working class, at the time when assistance urgent. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I spent a day visiting car buffs.  There is a mall in Grand Rapids where they have an old VW, of 60’s vintage, the utility golf cart version.  It is a 60hp, rear engine, with the gas tank in the front.  Its Spartan interior reminds me of an old, Triumph series 4 that I drove into my early adult hood.   The cockpit had only a couple of bucket seats – not even carpet covering the floor – not even a radio.  It was shod with, Dunlop SP57 radial tires, before radials were popular.  The tires gave me the advantage of high-speed corners. 
In Grand Rapids, the old VW shares nothing in common with, Triumph other than devoid of every creature comfort.   It looks like a weird attempt to imitate a jeep.  The cockpit is open.  It resembles  a stick shift, rectangular bathtub interior  finished in Z Bart, with two bench seats.  Both seat backs are diminutive.  The rear seat looks like they designed it for toddlers, without seatbelts.    The paint is bright yellow, including the hub -less wheels.  It is roped off so that one can look, without sitting in it. 
On the passenger side, there are several chairs where guys can rest their backs and wag their tongues.  Two brothers, Ike and Randy told me stories about their youths.  The early Willis type vehicle had a crank starter similar to a T model car.  They used it for hauling scrap.  Later they bought a larger truck for their business.  Ford seemed to be a favored vehicle.  There was a limited edition in 1948 that had the optional V8 and that emblem.  The six cylinder cars had just a flat chrome line across the trunk base.  Somehow, their car had the flat line, lacked the V8 emblem, but possessed the eight cylinders. 
Ike told me that Randy changed the oil once and used a non-detergent brand.  He was driving down a hill and decelerating, when he noticed a trail of blue smoke that signaled the engines rings worn out. 
My favorite car was a, Pontiac Judge with four-barrel carburetors and a transmission capped with a Hurst stick shift.  Awesome!  It was white, with black leather interior and bucket seats.  I loved the tuned exhaust sounds resonating from the back end, and the thrill of rum running trips through New England. 
They do not build cars the way they used to.  Triumph was the first car I ever bought that had seat belts.  Radios were a luxury.  Air conditioning was optional for expensive brand cars.  Most of those things come standard on today’s cars, except, Porsche and some high-end racers.  Cars today offer more comfort and styling.  Tuned suspensions and mid mounted engines that propel vehicles are far superior.
Ike and Randy worked at, Brown Paper Company (later, James River).  Brown Paper Company was a worldwide maker/distributer of, American products that once included pharmaceuticals.  Brown Company, was where, James Corbin invented paper towels.
I started working at, Brown Company when I was fourteen.  They used to get giant snowdrifts on top of the huge factory buildings, in winter.  If the drifts got too high, the buildings might collapse.  The ladders had to go up three or four stories to the flat roofs.  They were made of wood, by millwrights.  In order to make ladders that tall, they belled the bases, and the ladders narrowed at top.  It was an asset to be thin and light, as one could climb the ladders, to shovel snow.  That was one of my jobs.
Memories of, Brown Company, and climbing those narrow, creaking, icy ladders in freezing snowstorms, are like yesterday to me.  The ladder top was just tall enough to touch the building top ledge.  I had a manure shovel  in one hand and would start shoveling my way onto the roof, just enough to stand and shovel.  I would dig an area about half the size of a room, while throwing snow over the building side. 
A long rope was tied to my waist.  At the other end, a wooden snow scoop was fastened.  When I cleared enough room, I hoisted up the snow scoop, using the top rung as a pulley, and the ladder sides as runners.  It could take a few days to clear snow from all the factory buildings.  By that time there was another snow storm.  There was steady work, shoveling snow for the winter.
We worked in small crews of three or four guys.  By the time we cleared the roofs, it left a mound of snow, reaching like a slide, to the building tops.  We mounted shovels and snow scoops, sliding to the bases, while some preferred to slide on their feet.  Nobody used the ladder as a decent. 
By the time I was old enough for the service, Brown Company had been sold and, James River was already parting it out to the south and overseas.  There was not much to come home for, no hero’s welcome, no place to work.  My only choice was to start walking and hitch hiking across the country to find work wherever it would be.
Fast food restaurants were not popular, as they are today.  People liked to sit and enjoy their food.  I could cook and wash dishes while crossing the country.  That helped keep me alive.  Sometimes, strangers would take me in for an evening.  It was a way I could shower, shave and change cloths.  Work was hard to find.  Factories were downsizing.  People were losing jobs.  Many people, who were working, did not notice the decreasing job market, as they were gainfully employed.  Finding employment was more difficult for newcomers.
At one time in America, it seemed like half the country worked in factories.  Today, there are less than nine million factory jobs.  I saw factories close and jobs lost across the country.  It was comparable to a falling stack of dominoes.  Fifty percent of working class people under 25 cannot find jobs. 
Gotham City was spared the hurricane Irene’s full fury, but that may not spare, Wall Street; as people are protesting in the streets, they are lighting an international candle of hope there will be changes made.  We need truth and transparency in government.  Government in America needs to be fair.  It must consist of people, in poor and working class communities, to coincide with the present structure .  Social Security needs to be set into a special fund, for the specific purpose of assisting aged and retired persons.  People do deserve health care, and poor people are the norm, not the exception.
The demographics of leadership have changed.  Gotham City is currently the world’s richest city.  Washington DC , is secondary to Wall Street.  When the hurricane dumped water on everything, including, Wall Street, they survived to forget about the massive structural damage, and all the poor people who were devastated.  There was never an audible offer from, Wall Street to lend a hand or back to shovel or machine.  No offers of help were made.  They forgot, Irene.  They wonder why we are there to protest. 
Randy, Ike and I parted ways, just as we had met. We were destined to be there.  I needed to touch base with older memories.  We left in opposite directions to separate doors.  They walked back into their neighborhood.  I got into a, Lemans Ford and headed to, North Korea, Michigan.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Every so often – more so these days—you read about heroic deeds executed by an officer.  There are probably more articles written about officers.  Enlisted men are uniform.  They live in barracks and sometimes in trenches.  Their positions are closer to the front lines.  They work together and depend on each other.  More enlisted men do more heroic deeds than officers do, yet fewer are recognized.
At home, they meld into communities as ordinary citizens, while officers proceed into our government jobs and offices.  Not many years ago, men got drafted for war.  It is interesting that by the time our second world war climaxed, more men (and women) enlisted than were drafted.  The important point is, whether drafted or enlistees, men had jobs.  People were friendly. 
Fast forward to, Vietnam war and beyond.  Bureaucracy historically favors officers and their children.  They survived OK, while enlisted ranks took a pounding.  Protesters rallied.  Our former officers got razzed, and ordered executions.  Enlisted troops quickly realized the senselessness of those orders (we are not, Chinese).  Some refused orders, while others joined in the action.  They were mavericks.  The protesters were mavericks as well.  People got involved.   
Things got a bit more complex.  Guys coming out of the, Vietnam era were less likely to find good jobs.  More of them became street people.  They were less welcome than soldiers of the second war were.  People ignored them.   Businesses would not hire them.   The war was bad.  They were bad.  Ex soldiers either buried their pasts or ended up on the street.  Many of them wandered while looking for work.  It was difficult to find full time employment.  Factories were moving south or overseas. 
The exodus was in full swing by the time, Dick Cheney and George Bush declared war on Iraq, with the blessings of Congress.  We had a new army of volunteers, downsized.   They sent our national guard instead.  Most of those soldiers had jobs before that.  Those jobs were gone when they came home.  Many had their homes repossessed.
 The mass displacement includes women, something unheard of in our past.  Years of wars have left our communities stripped of integrity.  Entire neighborhoods boarded.   Abandoned factory shells remind us of our past, while openly decaying.  People attend schools in hopes of getting ahead, while others cannot afford school.  Graduates often find diminutive jobs that share nothing with their educations, while spending years paying off student loans.
Everything in Washington seems to be on hold.  Our President has a record low rating, according to pollsters.  That is what they want us to believe.  It is reasonable to think.  There is no economy for more than half the people in our country, at a time when former officers and corporate tycoons want to end, Social Security.  It has many people questioning the logic of a government administration that operates like a giant, Ponzi scheme. 
Rumors that the Pentagon controls a lion share of our budget are hard to dispute.  Yet, they want to cut, Social Security, end our minimum wage and health treatment for our working class and poor.   They want soldiers and workers to create their own retirement plans (generally packaged into losing IRA’s).
We are running out of money.  Our state is broke.  The country is broke.  We have, Homeland Security.  Miles of tunnels, forty feet below sea level snake under landscapes.  Super transit systems ferry daily passengers between, New York and Washington DC.  There is more sophistication in the NYPD than in the entire FBI.  Cameras are omnipresent, while computers and police monitor them.   We have, Homeland Security.
They said the last earthquake did more damage than they anticipated – millions of dollars – not to mention the hurricane that sent torrential downpours up the coast.  It took lives and destroyed homes.    The footage covering massive mudslides, road washouts, and missing people, is a distant memory.  Wall Street was spared!     

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Children of God       
 By Johnny Appalachia ©
Racial slurs make me livid with inner rage – inner, only because I have self-control.  I was born poor.  I am, Appalachian.  Appalachia is a vast country that reaches from beyond the mountains of, Maine to southern Georgia.  Appalachians are related by birth and native, American ancestry.   Most Appalachians are poor.
Outsiders make fun of Appalachians but we have our own story:  Centuries ago, there was a great flood.  Our mother rose steeply before it to form a great mountain.   Quickly she reached down with her hands.  She, held us in her arms, protecting us from harm; and, forever forward, we worshiped, She.
When the water receded from the mountain, She lowered her arms, allowing our families to wander, while some remained to live upon our mountain.  We called her, Ombekith.  We worshiped, She.  She, saved us.  We were her children.  She was, God, and our fathers lived through her.
When the soldiers came, they took away our God and brought another God, and a strange language.  We greeted their tribes with open arms, while our parents were slain, and our memories were cleaned as with a slate eraser.  Our fathers’ words, buried within us.  We were children of, She; however, they took her away, and impregnated a different memory.  They thought we would become like them, but we did not. 
The mountains were our homes, and our families lived there for generations.  We have a saying: What comes to stay will vanish; nevertheless, we will always be here.  God saved us!  People came and left, but we remained. 
After the soldiers came, they could not bring families.  Only the generals were allowed to bring families.  Fornication is human nature.  The King sent orders to slay our fathers and spare some women and children. 
We do not remember everything, but we know each other, and we know who we are.  We are Appalachian.  For centuries we lived peacefully on our lands.  Our legs were very strong and we traveled many miles, to find places to live.  Glyphs spoke our history in nasal, and from deep in our throats, we spoke Miqmac.  
When the soldiers came, they brought missionaries to heal us.  Missionaries healed our souls; sometimes with whips, they taught us their language.  Our mothers told us, and we forgot.  The kings moved into our country.  They brought queens with them to settle lands across our nation.  Their soldiers took women from our mountain; bringing gifts.  They settled along the sea where they could watch the shores.  The soldiers cut our mother’s knees, and proceeded hacking her appendages, till great holes oozed blood from her body.  Our soldiers ate, Mother alive, bit, by bit.
Mother finally died.  When Mother died, she brought our souls with her.  We became, She.  Her face collapsed beside where her bosom lay, they took her hands away, years before her time.  We still worshiped.  When I stood beside her, She gave her life for me to live and tell – so that all might know, may  Solomon be praised!
I was born into poverty, according to the definition of, Kings.   They did not know I was in fact a chief, the same as they.  I was reared, Catholic – to love and serve – that, was beaten into me, so that I would know, love, and serve.  The missionaries of good will, did not have to beat me.  I would have loved them, still.  They taught me.   I forgave them.  Poverty was for me, a state of mind.  They called me, Chief; everybody called me,  Chief.  So, I became a chief.
My greatest ambition was to be a great chief.  Outsiders know me by a different name.  They do not know their name for me, translates, The Holy Word.  Instead, they made fun of me.  They cut my mother’s heart.
During my younger days I suffered many illnesses, my greatest, within.   Sickness was my life. I lived with it.  I worked with it.  She taught me about love.  We were hungry.  Everybody was poor, as according to the king.  The King was God.  She, is God!
Our families depended upon each other for survival, for centuries.  We lived within the valley.  Oumbeqecth, named it for what it was, Heaven.  We knew a very different side of her.  She, could be cruel as well.  After the flood, we grew distant from her.  Oumbeqecth, drew a cloak of white around her.   And haloed her head by the sun,  Agiachohoc. 
I am Appalachain, of the Massachusetts.  We are a nation of, Algonquin.  It was the Kings order to slay our fathers, and burry our names; however, we kept them, and they still speak to us.  She, spoke to me when I was but, six and one.  The night was cold, and it was very dark.  I remember it turning grey;  and pondering my urge to slumber, that was suppressed by my desire to live.  Yet, I stumbled into bed not to rest, but, to think.  I lay awake while fighting death.
I saw the lady, dressed in grey that day.  She reached down to take my hand.  Her hand was ever so soft.  She could have lifted me away, but I could see the future.  Oumbeqcth she, said that I should not struggle; and neither should I ever fear.  She, would be with me... forever --  

Sunday, September 18, 2011


They call it hype.  Rock stars and movies use it to make things seem real.  Top  evangelist, media workers, advertisers, drug companies, and politicians use hype.  They are connected.  Hype got us into several calculated mistakes, the outcome is yet undetermined.  
TV is currently a good way to pass time.  Books are obsolete.  Our history is being tossed into the wind, and binary numbers are in.  Yet, America and countries world wide are all, deeply in debt.  It is not one town of blight to be reckoned with.  Not even a single state is unemployed.  The numbers of unemployed persons continues to rise; however, politicians prefer to keep those numbers at around nine percent, for some reason.  Most people return to inferior jobs, and or, lower wages – and they do not give benefits.
Some people predict a, World War Three – while others try to start a war – yet, others proclaim we are here.  There is talk about Nebiru,   and meteors to crash our orbit; while we witness hurricanes and tornados – and water washes roads, towns and bridges away, turning mountains into rivers.  We watch these events unfold on TV, wondering if an actress stands before a screen or is in person there.  Yet life’s carousal unfolds in any way it is…
We must kid ourselves, or rid our selves as each and individual of prejudice and fear.  There are givers and caregivers in this world.  But the ultimate gift is one that seldom does one obtain.  It is what it is, only in the way it applies to us.  It is an illusion of lust, or love or vanity.  Must we be looking down instead of up.   People from around the world will entertain us while in our living rooms, yet we never meet.  Our fates are such we never know, but that we realize.
Laughter in abundance, Mother and Father and son share into eternity, an ephemeral wicker of hope, while father’s of many suffer alone, not to mention countless others.  Woman looks frail and holds a lion within while giants have famine, and crops are left rotting in fields.  Whether in our minds, we know it is real, because we feel – and we wonder and wait to be seen – only in a moment in time. ©

Saturday, September 17, 2011


The idea that our earth’s temperature is rising,  is purely subjective, just like the executive tunnel system, 40 feet below sea level, that we pay for with our tax dollars (the money went somewhere, and we might know where, if we traced the paper trail to the receiver).  Seriously, I spoke with a friend who commented, there were sunspots only a couple years ago that created some static problems, but why should we worry? 
At the spectrum’s other end, there are the ones who predict dooms day – everybody has been wrong so far—while shakers canvass religion.  Nibiru, or something similar is coming our way – it is factual, but when? – And we can worry about what other fates await us.
Seriously, I tend to believe that our futures might be real different than we anticipate.  The question we need to answer – where we will be within our minds.  We need to be looking inside ourselves anyway, as we change with the environment.  This year we have seen more tornados and hurricanes of severe magnitudes than we can recall in our history.  However, we need to take another look.  We do not know everything that happened before we came to be.  Legends precede our lexicons. 
About a hundred years ago, legend tells us that a man stood upon a hill, instructing people not to build below that height.  The high waters settled into the soil and receded into the bay.  People forgot.  The marker was neglected.  Many years later an earth shattering quake killed thousands who could not flee the disaster, because they built too low.  That is the story of, Japan and many other places.
I always believed it was safest to build high and well.  This year and last, proved my theory wrong.  The rains came in torrents.  High winds tore trees and roots from the ground.  There was noticeable erosion.  At one time, six inches of water was steadily flowing off my hill, more like a lake than a river, but with river-like characteristics.  It rained sideways.  I compare it to weathering a mountain storm and that is dangerous -- I know.
Early this spring, Trixie and I began working on our place, installing large drains to stem the flow of gravity fed water.  There is no guarantee, but it might make the place safer and possibly prevent flooding in the basement.  There is no perfect science.  We do not know our futures – if we did, there would be no reason to live; as we could regale ourselves.
I dug deep trenches around the house area, cut back into the hill a bit and planted lots of ground cover.  I lined the trenches with corrugated drain pipe and stone; then I planted that.  The drain goes into a large body of water.  There is room for water to ebb and flow.
 No one thing I can do is a guaranteed sure fire cure.  I could do nothing at all, but that might be foolish; however, last time it rained that way, water came shooting four feet into the air from drainpipes in the floor – and I live on a hill.  It looked as if a fire hose was pumping.
I like stories but most of mine are positive.  When I need to dig a trench around the house, it is not because I enjoy backbreaking work.  The trench project began after the second time it happened.  By that time I began thinking it might happen again.  Perhaps it is just something that only happens once in a century – maybe, but I took no chances after the second time.  I knew that it could happen again – and we did not have to wait long.  I thought it worked well, until water started gushing from the cement floor ( I will address that problem soon).  The trench is working but I need to improve it.
We are living in a blessed time.  We are in contact with people around the world.  We tend to take allot of things for granted.  Remember what happened, one hundred years ago.  Read journals of, Joshua Slocum. 
History is easy to forget.  Just over a hundred years ago, the first gasoline engine was born.  It took labor unions years to develop conditions, conducive to safety.    It took a decade to send most of our jobs to other countries around the globe.  Maybe that is a good thing, except we need to have factories in our country.   Our elected government still rules as a plenipotentiary.    They developed programs that allowed them to ship our jobs away, despite our pleas.  They are currently the corporate leaders.  They started the wars and they spent our tax dollars.  Now, it is their responsibility to bring back these jobs.  Only 9 million labor jobs exist in this country today.  Most jobs are paying, minimum wages, even though we have triple digit inflation; and, some legislators want to abolish the minimum wage.
The history of science is easier to follow, partially for a simple formula, rp = .8775(51)fm – a basic ingredient for quantum physics.  If we examine earth samples we can see changes over time and we can ascertain that will continue.  We do not know what will happen (some do).  We know an asteroid is actually heading in our direction.  Some astronauts are grappling with the idea of how they might fasten to it – maybe an electro-magnet – but, that is not the only problem out there – they have a few years to work on this one.
Changes are taking place in space that will affect our environment.  We will change as well.  Our solar system is on a collision course with others, but we should not worry about that now.  There are other things to be concerned about.  Some of that stuff might not happen on our watch.  We have to deal with the changes directly affecting us now. 
Newton’s laws apply to many things, including human nature.   There will always be opposites; not good, not bad – time is passive and an instrument of our travel.  I believe our earth is warming, despite colder winters in some places.  The polar caps are currently melting.  Water tables are rising.  Say it is wrong.  Blame it on what you will.  That is all unnecessary.   We have to focus on what is at hand.   Our weather is changing and we have to change with it.  There is no harm in getting prepared. 

Friday, September 16, 2011


Perhaps a question might be spoken with more eloquence – Do we need war?  Pardon the grammar.  Please think about this: We pardon people for murder a crime; however, we turn our heads from genocide.  We tolerate uncompassionate rules from dictators, and we are appalled by the results.
People are building tunnels to the future instead of looking up.
I oppose every war, and say that there could have been a better solution.  If we had better solutions, we could be prepared better for our futures.  Nations need to defend themselves, but we need to ask ourselves about the cost of wars and why they happen.    For instance -- Our Korean conflict might have been staved off – or how could that happen? 
We cannot deny our pasts, only relive them.  Sometimes it is better to start fresh.  We hear little about the North Korean culture.  They are a retentive nation.  Coercion is their biggest import.  People who visit, North Korea usually remain there.  Their tasks are to multiply and make movies.  North Korea has beautiful mountain views and wild flowers.  My favorite flower is, Jack in the Pulpit.
Trixie and I moved to, North Korea Michigan after eloping, to raise our family in the countryside.  We adopted children.  We love our home for its hilltop position and panoramic views.
North Korea Michigan bears little resemblance to its namesake, other than harsh winters and bountiful wild flowers -- nothing else grows well there.  They are opposites.  One North Korea attracts few people, but it is usually by force, while North Korea Michigan exports people by intimidation.
North Korea has entire cities that are vacant because the sewer and water lines and utilities were never connected.  North Korea Michigan has generators to connect when common utilities frequently fail.  Toilets drain directly into the ground, while farmers pipe their poops along with cattle manure into fields; farming odoriferous scents that stimulate resident sinuses. 
North Koreans are independent.  The president of, Korea demands allegiance and so does our Michigan governor.  Both President and Governor say it is not their job to create jobs.  Both serve as plenipotentiaries, with a plan that includes minimum wage or no wages.  They both have an abundance of abandoned homes.
North Korea Michigan has a plethora of brush that could be used for firewood in North Korea.  It is a pity that both communities cannot meet.  Maybe our wars can end, when we understand the true nature of poverty.

Monday, September 12, 2011


Why we Need Him
Republican representatives have been anything but co-operative with our President.  They are very quick to abandon him – rapacious – thwarting his every move, instead of helping him.  We quickly forget that our votes got him there, and without question.  There was no recall.  Obama had only the people behind him when he went to Washington.
Our depression started just after the, Clinton administration.  They were talking about war before it ever happened – and for some reason, Dick Cheney was behind it.  I understood that war was imminent, and warned people that we could have a Pyrrhic victory.  Our wars became the ultimate scrap heap – the only question – what will we learn from this? 
When  Obama became a state Senator, I read about him.  He impressed me.  He is intelligent and he takes chances.  I was looking for a President.   It was exciting when he became a candidate because, I knew we were sending a message.  We voted for our working class and our working poor.  Obama went in with only our vote.  He had little support, but he had recognition.  We were looking for work and there were no jobs.  Soldiers came home to unwelcome environments.  Instead of greeting compassion – people – women and men were sentenced to life on the street.
George Bush, gave us, Tough Love, and a kinder, gentler nation.  His father gave us no new taxes (my taxes rose, and I lost my job and my home).  But everybody else did well.  That is why we voted for Obama.  We had, Homeland Security!  Everybody was doing well.  So, we decided to give the dude a chance.  Let us all be equal!
I voted for, Obama, because as a Republican, I sent a message to Washington.  Everybody had their own reason for voting, but he won fair.  There was no recall.  The margin was wide.   
People realized that, President Obama would have a rough time.  We voted for him because we needed a voice.  One third of our country lives in poverty.  Most of those people suffer, in clusters.  You may notice some of them standing around bon fires to keep warm.  Many people turn their heads away in shame.  They are afraid to face poverty – as if it were leprosy – our legislators build fences around poor people.
We knew that our voice needed to be heard.  One third of our nation is living in poverty.  People are homeless.  Unions are being busted.  Our factories were sent overseas along with our young men who play the lottery of war.  Something is wrong with our nation when companies are allowed to pirate our jobs.
Halliburton made tons of money.  Then, they went bankrupt; however, the other corporations that Halliburton created, did very well.  It was the idea of our benevolent, Vice President.  We cannot fault, Dick Cheney.  He exists as the longest living fossil,  to exist on plastic parts and multiple human organs.  We cannot fault him because he is living on parts we donated or built for him.

Our former President, George Bush is marketing a book  that was written for him.  George Bush has to be one of our great leaders.  He has friends all over the world and gets along well with world leaders.  During his administration he was able to use his power and influence to bring great leaders to the table.  He made friends in, Saudi Arabia – the home of great sheiks, rich in oil wealth – planet examples of wealthy countries where poverty does not exist.  Paradise Valley!  Home to Bin Laden.   Bush might have used, Air Guards to thwart the Twin-Tower demise.  It might have been left to fall on its own gravity, lacking central rigidity.  Air Guards would easily have captured any saboteurs.  We might have prevented 911 had we listened to NSA head, instead of trying to prosecute him for treason.
After 911, George Bush told us to get into our planes and fly into our friendly skies.  America was now safe.  We buried our Bill of Rights.  He gave us, Homeland Security.
I took a cross country trip in my, Cherokee Piper.  We flew down over Lake Erie, and crisscrossed through Canada and the US.  It was safe.  Nobody bothered us.  My friend, a commander demonstrated for me.  While we could make cross-country trips without worry, ticket holders were treated as third class citizens.  The army scared everybody.  They wore mean faces and machine guns for intimidation.  Some were masked.   Free x-rays and rectal exams are given to everybody.  It is a good thing.  You might as well wear transparent pajamas to fly in.  We are safer, we have, Homeland Security.  We do not need a, Bill of Rights.  Our government does that for us.  They watch over us.  One million, four-hundred, thousand dollars are spent in each, Michigan county to search for Marijuana.  Marijuana is a bad thing.  It makes us insecure.  We have, Homeland Security.
If you look at, Wickileaks, it shows to us where lots of our taxes go, into the ground.  Miles of tunnels, forty feet below sea level, take executives to secret destinations, faster than our public transportation can.  They are privileged.  They work for, Homeland Security.  They protect us, using our tax dollars in massive tunnel projects.  We can be fearless.  They watch over us.  We do not have to fear people harming us, just the usual thugs and murderers; and, natural disasters – floods, earthquakes, and fires.  It feels good to be secure.  We can rest well at night, knowing that we are being watched.

President Obama, wrote his book before getting into office.  It was a noble ambition he did on his own.  Some people criticize his work.  He did it.  He takes credit for it.  He writes.  You have to credit a person who writes his own articles and is able to have them published.   One really deserves credit to have a best seller!
I like Mr. Obama for  his courage.  He stands up to other people and presents his unabashed thoughts, not regarding that it might be unpopular to do so.  We were outnumbered in key areas of our election.  There were unpleasant decisions to make.  We voted for our working class.  I think we need to give him a fair chance and people are working against his will.  He came into office during a war and a growing depression.  You cannot change those things overnight, especially when the conspirators are in office and representing the wealthy.
Obama was a black horse.  We needed somebody like him to send our message to, Washington; we have enough, Homeland Security.  We do not need to spend millions of dollars to fly air planes and search for, Marijuana.  It is everywhere.  We do not have to look for it.  We should legalize it.
It seems to me that, Obama got to be more of a Republican scapegoat than our nation’s healer.  He had some good ideas, bail out Fanny Mai.  But, Republicans had better ideas.  They bought insurance to cover their debt, and made tons of money – all the money that went into the program.  Then they raised interest rates on the poor and took their homes away.  Now they could make more money by selling homes that were partially or mostly paid for by the home owners who were losing their homes.  Instead of helping people, they put the money into their pockets.  Some people make money off everything, with no regard for anybody but themselves.  Undaunted, Obama went on to put forth another program,  Cash For Clinkers.  They were supposed to give $4,500 for people who traded their, gas guzzlers for new similar vehicles.
Dealers took advantage of poor people.  They offered less money on trade-ins and collected more money from the government.  They were supposed to disable the engines and transmissions; instead, they lined the cars on main streets and sold many of them for parts, in full view of the public.
We are truly blessed to have the hallways of our legislative branches graced by the presence of Ivy League types.  There is evidently a dearth of legislators who are seriously involved in helping the working class and the working poor.  They live in gated communities close to only the people that count.  When we demand a balanced budget, they demand, Social Security cuts.  They want to eliminate retirement packages for our soldiers who risked their lives for us.  We have, Homeland Security.  Our money needs to be spent on miles of tunnels, forty feet below the ocean floor to be accessed only by our elite class.  That is our, Social Security. 
Our elections are a public sham that is managed by the likes of, Fox and others of the same ilk.  They make charades of it, mimicking those they do not want and destroying honorable characters.  Heroes look like turds.  Money rules!  
In Michigan, Governor Snyder said there is plenty of money to thwart a recall in Lansing.  He went about his business of passing the new budget, raising taxes on retired people, proposing taxing Social Security; abolishing welfare and unemployment compensation, at a time when we most need these things.  There is no better time to be living in our country for the rich.  Gasoline is only four dollars a gallon.  More people are staying at home (those who still have homes) – they are jobless – the streets are empty making great travel times for intercity travel.  Blame it on, Obama if we are having problems with our rent.
Whenever we demand a balanced budget, we are threatened with gasoline price raises.  Social Security is on the top of our chopping block.  We have, Homeland Security.  Our ex-soldiers are tough.  It is OK for them to live on the street for awhile.  They do not need jobs.  Neither do our unemployed workers.  After six months, they dissolve.  Companies can no longer see them or hire them.  They become, something else.  They do not have to look into the alleys and under overpasses, to see these people.  They live in gated communities.  There is, Homeland Security!
There is a better plan if we believe that this is wrong.  Get rid of, Homeland Security.  Put Air Guards back on the planes.  We have had public colonoscopies’.  Our rectums are clear.  Find other work for the security guards – the real terrorists who intimidate passengers.  Stop terrorizing public busses that travel at night.  Put tariffs on goods that compete with our products, and use that money to subsidize small businesses and small business farmers (using 200 or fewer acres).  Bring old computers into class shop rooms, teaching remanufacturing.   Teach children about recycling.  Take old cars and use them in class shops, learning mechanics and machine shop.  Sell the repaired cars on the school lots.  Use that money for other school projects.  Cut the red tape and legal laws that prevent our working class from making ends meet.
When, President Obama came out with an idea to stimulate our economy by rewarding companies who hire veterans, and unemployed people, I began thinking that corporations will continue business as usual.  They will hire people and fire them within 90 days.  They will call that permanent work.  Every ninety days they will rotate the help, hiring replacements and claiming multiple deductions on their replacement help, another way to deflate the sails of progress.  He needs to make the law apply to small business companies; not corporations, they have enough tax breaks.  They have to be permanent positions and the persons who are hired must work there for at least three years.  He needs to make that apply to handicap people as well, but without discriminating against other people.
One method of insurance our President might use would be to fire private enterprises that hire-for-profit tactics make it profitable to fire everybody, each ninety days.  He needs to open an office called, The Employment Office, and everybody who wants to take part in his program must use, The Employment Office.  The staff will be qualified by their abilities to communicate in friendly tones.  It will cost more to staff, The Employment Office, because real people will be hired to service job seekers.  Everybody will be welcome to use, The Employment Office to seek work. 
Another way our President may save money: give our legislators a fifty percent pay cut.      Make our legislators have the same insurance plans they are enforcing on us.  Legalize marijuana.  Use the money  that is saved, to help people get jobs.
We need to audit each faucet of government, for every penny spent.  We need to find all companies that profited from the wars and audit each company.  We need to petition for a law that bans all legislators from personal gains while using public offices.  Legislators should be barred from lobbying after leaving public offices.  They should not be allowed business incomes while holding offices.  Legislators who work in Washington should live in, Washington, while serving there.
If we like the way our country is heading and feel that, Social Security should be left in the general fund, so we can spend it on wars, we have some great people running on our, Republican tickets.  They are 100% opposed to everything, Obama.  They diss Obama care.  They are good Christians. 
Mitt Romney discredits, President Obama for the health plan; however, he passed a very similar plan while he was, Governor in Massachusetts.  That plan he claims is somehow different, because it is branded as a, Republican project.  Mitt says that what is good for, Massachusetts may not be good for the rest of our country.  Other people should get their own insurance plans, or have none.   People are being turned away from hospitals today because they have no insurance.
Michelle Bachman is a good, Christian.  God hates homosexuals and she is helping him to fight for the cause of, straight-only law.  With her plan, we can finance her homo-fix-it factory, where gay people can go in queer and come out normal.  She has no plans to address people who have both organs; they do not exist.  God does not make imperfections or trans-genders.  Everybody is born healthy.  If babies are sick, it is the devil’s fault. God has no power over that.
If we are not sure about Michelle Bachman, we might consider, Rick Perry.  He announced his candidacy and then held a huge, Christian Seminar where all true believers gathered to greet him.  Rick Perry is a good, Christian.  He told everybody to pray for Texas, even though hurricanes and floods deluged the east coast.  Texas caught on fire, for the love of Christ.  It is still burning.
Everybody needs to register, to vote in the Republican primary.  They all have a plan, it is just watery.  If we feel the need to use our, Social Security – that fifteen percent that comes from our incomes, and is supposed to be used for our retirements – we need to vote for a, Republican.  They created, Homeland Security.  They gave us a kinder, gentler nation.  Michelle Bachman said she will lower gas to two bucks a gallon.  Why cannot she do that now?  Some people still have work, it would help them get there. 
Everybody needs to register to vote in the Republican primary.  There is somebody for everybody to vote for.  If we think that something is wrong with our nation, we need to write in, Johny Appalachia, on the Republican ticket, to send the Republican party a message.  The changes we need are to help our working class and our working poor.  Everybody should register to vote in the Republican primary.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Hundreds of people visited Lansing on September 7, protesting draconian measures by the state.  Only two weeks ago, our legislators passed a law to close, Michigan dispensaries.  The next day state police began raiding dispensaries and confiscating supplies, even before people could shut their businesses down.  Licensed, Michigan people are treated as criminals.  Known users are harassed.  They make a very public presence for anybody they visit; putting yellow, crime scene tape across the property, and surrounding places with Cadillac Escalades, after flying helicopters with machine guns mounted on them.
 People told their stories to the media and anyone who would listen.  There were lots of professional people who came to visit.  They talked about how Marijuana helps them manage illness and pain.  Some people spoke about abandoning some addictive medications such as, Vicodine , Demerol, and Morphine.  Nurses and doctors spoke about patients being turned away from hospitals and doctors, for using marijuana.  People talked about spending years in prison for smoking a joint, or having possession of an ounce.  Hundreds of licensed users have been and are being harassed by police who have obtained their license records.
The state of Michigan spends 1.4 million dollars a year in each county, searching for marijuana.   They call it, Homeland Security.  The money given to the state for license fees, is used to fly airplanes and helicopters around the back yards of known licensed people.  People need to know that.  Police have openly admitted to some people that what they are doing is illegal.  They say that if people complain, they will harass them more.  Intimidation is illegal in, Michigan, but it is OK for police to stock known licensed users. 
People complain that they are treated as third class citizens.  Companies will not hire known users.  They want tax breaks, they want our Social Security and Medicade taken from us.  They want our children to fight oil wars for them.  Corporations want us to buy all drugs from them, except for illegal drugs – those drugs are smuggled by their mules (migrant workers) through their subsidized corporate farms – across the country.
We voted for medical marijuana.  Legislators are passing laws to end it.  They are stipulating that it should be grown in ways to make growing it too expensive.  Our legislators are spending more time passing laws against marijuana, than they spend on the budget. 
Dispensaries should be allowed to dispense medical marijuana.  The state did nothing to assist people needing supplies.  Licensed people needed to obtain medication.  They formed dispensaries, while patients traded products.  The state passed a law to prohibit sharing.  They want to revoke all driving licenses for licensed users.  In other words, it is the state’s intention to starve and intimidate users into submission.
CBS Evening News disclosed an investigation on hospitals, doctors, and nurses who routinely bill Medicade for  procedures they do not perform.  They overcharge for services.  Some offices were designed solely to defraud, Medicade.  They say that three-hundred, million dollars have been stolen from our Medicade fund.  That is an understatement.  As much as fifty percent or more of our Medicade is used for fictitious billing.
Our governor complains that, Social Security and Medicade are wasted expenditures.  He wants us to invest in packaged IRA’s that are designed to lose money.   That is supposed to be our retirement, on broken government promises and nothing else.  He has the financial backing of drug companies to help pass his laws.  This is a great time for corporations.  It is a horrible time for people who are looking for work.  Our governor wants to cut unemployment benefits.  He is ending welfare in Michigan.  The money saved to cut those programs will be given to the rich.  He wants to eliminate our middle class and have only super rich, and dirt-poor people.
I believe our governor is heading in the wrong direction.  Working class people should be assisted to start businesses in garages and small shops.  We should give subsidies to small companies.  Corporations contribute to ninety percent of all pollution.  They spread chemicals on their corporate farms, that leach into our water supplies and pollute our air.  They are subsidized to grown corn for ethanol , while growing less edible corn and raising corn prices for the working poor.  They spread toxic chemicals, known to cause cancer.  The Cheney Loophole protects them from prosecuton.
The future of Michigan needs to be decided by its citizens.  We need to put the facts on the table and take the money and face out of our election process.  Transparency in government is a necessity.  We need to sign petitions to give our legislators a fifty percent pay cut.  We need to cut medical benefits for them and make them use the same plans they draft for us.  We need to cut lavish retirement packages that benefit whole families of politicians.  The governor needs to be visiting mayors and township supervisors, to work with them and assist their needs.  The governor needs to start with the poor areas and work to help them.  We cannot end programs that help people, when there are no replacement programs in place.  Our Michigan people deserve better.  A governor should be a person who works directly with our citizens. 
President Obama said he would like to reward companies that hire veterans and wounded veterans.  He did not mention people who have been fired and laid off, of marijuana users.  If President Obama is going to do that, it should be stipulated that these people should be hired for a period of not less than twenty years, and that they should pay benefits.  That way companies will not be rewarded for having a revolving door.  Most of Obama’s programs have failed because of corporate theft of services.  I believe our president has some good plans, but they have been muddied by corporate Republicans.  We need to send our Republicans a message in our upcoming Presidential election, and get rid of them all.  We need to put all new people in our offices.  Working class people built this country, not corporations.  Working class people deserve to run this country.
One way to create jobs in Michigan is to abandon impersonal computer programs and replace them with live employees, creating an employment office and ending the unemployment office.  Privatization of employment offices (manpower) works well for corporations.  They hire people for ninety days and fire them without benefits.  There are no retirement packages.  There are no full time jobs for most, Michigan citizens.  If we are going to change it, we need legislation that ends discrimination and promotes full time jobs.  Privatization of government services is a waste of taxpayer money.  It lowers our living standard and promotes poverty.  The only war that ever made sense was the war on poverty.  Our Michigan mission needs to be, the focus on jobs and medical benefits for everybody.  The future of Michigan depends on our working class.