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Friday, September 30, 2011


World War II spawned a new mistrust on a global basis, as members of the pure party set out to conquer their world.  God made them.  They were chosen -- the children of God.  Then, spread ordure like a fungus that covered everything.   That philosophy quickly fizzled, like ice cream going south.  Miners suddenly had jobs, as equipment was needed in a hurry. 
The guys that did not have jobs, got drafted in the Army.  Everybody had jobs.  They hired sick people to work.  Most everybody missed one important point.  Our geographical location was kind to us in that event.  Nazis squashed everything they touched.  The Japanese incident in Pearl Harbor is still heavily debated.  We later made friends and made up; as, it was rather a misunderstanding.   
Had we not existed on the cusp of a wilderness, we could have fought the war in, America.   Our distant location to a negative tumultuous event saved us.   People forget.  Today’s supersonic and futuristic devices allow world travel with ease.  Anybody can travel anywhere – theoretically. 
The war gave people work, but not the type of work that many men wanted.  The galley was a coveted place.   Most guys were randomly placed on the front lines to endure horrific sequential events.  They did not usually have women up there.  By the time they reached places like, Buchenwald, they went insane.  There were horrific consequences for POW’s.    Many of those soldiers were left permanently with war’s etchings.  Lots of soldiers became alcoholics. 
Not much was mentioned about the core  of what fought in the war, everybody was together; however, some were separated by race or color.   Native Americans hardly factored into the equation.  Truth is, they were there in great numbers.  It is common for, Appalachians as most have Native American ancestry. 
Most war survivors returned home, including some Nazis, and immigrants in search of a better life.
Fast forward, to a situation that came to light in, California.  Dad was a contractor in a plush neighborhood.  People like him.  He was reliable and people depended upon him, because they could.  Nevertheless, worked dried up; and there was nothing to do, except become a Nazi.   Dad was an exceptional Nazi who helped organize his neighborhood.  He was a leader and spokesman for the party.  As a spokesman, Dad gave TV interviews, espousing his charismatic wisdom.  Nazi philosophy, according to interviews is channeled hatred for races not Caucasian.  His Nazi utopia would be a combination of banishing and slaughtering all others; however, he was a nice guy and everybody loved him.  He was a good brother, father and family man.  
Dad was a family man and spent some of his time teaching his son about being a good Nazi.  They went on camping trips, intimidating and pistol whipping would be border crossers, before they could make it into town.  The son learned some hard lessons early in life.  One time while Dad slept on the couch, Jr. cocked a pistol and shot him in the head.
Cops say the kid was a bad seed – born evil – that is what everybody said when they interviewed Dad’s friends and relatives.  We could assume that.  They said that in school and everywhere.  Some kids are demons and should be cast off and forgotten. 
Police who interviewed the child, too small for prison garb and with lacking compassion described the deed in detail, explaining bluntly that Dad needed to stop beating family members, while he was drunk.  It was just a matter of time, they said before Jr. would use the gun, Dad taught him to discharge.  That is the story investigators told.
I guess we should take the word of experts who trained as professionals; and we need to believe Nazi behavior is acceptable for young children.  It reminds me of a question, Should Islamic law be allowed in, America?  – That has been circulating the internet.  The answer is no.  We in, America should live under our Constitution and Bill of Rights. 

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