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Monday, September 12, 2011


Why we Need Him
Republican representatives have been anything but co-operative with our President.  They are very quick to abandon him – rapacious – thwarting his every move, instead of helping him.  We quickly forget that our votes got him there, and without question.  There was no recall.  Obama had only the people behind him when he went to Washington.
Our depression started just after the, Clinton administration.  They were talking about war before it ever happened – and for some reason, Dick Cheney was behind it.  I understood that war was imminent, and warned people that we could have a Pyrrhic victory.  Our wars became the ultimate scrap heap – the only question – what will we learn from this? 
When  Obama became a state Senator, I read about him.  He impressed me.  He is intelligent and he takes chances.  I was looking for a President.   It was exciting when he became a candidate because, I knew we were sending a message.  We voted for our working class and our working poor.  Obama went in with only our vote.  He had little support, but he had recognition.  We were looking for work and there were no jobs.  Soldiers came home to unwelcome environments.  Instead of greeting compassion – people – women and men were sentenced to life on the street.
George Bush, gave us, Tough Love, and a kinder, gentler nation.  His father gave us no new taxes (my taxes rose, and I lost my job and my home).  But everybody else did well.  That is why we voted for Obama.  We had, Homeland Security!  Everybody was doing well.  So, we decided to give the dude a chance.  Let us all be equal!
I voted for, Obama, because as a Republican, I sent a message to Washington.  Everybody had their own reason for voting, but he won fair.  There was no recall.  The margin was wide.   
People realized that, President Obama would have a rough time.  We voted for him because we needed a voice.  One third of our country lives in poverty.  Most of those people suffer, in clusters.  You may notice some of them standing around bon fires to keep warm.  Many people turn their heads away in shame.  They are afraid to face poverty – as if it were leprosy – our legislators build fences around poor people.
We knew that our voice needed to be heard.  One third of our nation is living in poverty.  People are homeless.  Unions are being busted.  Our factories were sent overseas along with our young men who play the lottery of war.  Something is wrong with our nation when companies are allowed to pirate our jobs.
Halliburton made tons of money.  Then, they went bankrupt; however, the other corporations that Halliburton created, did very well.  It was the idea of our benevolent, Vice President.  We cannot fault, Dick Cheney.  He exists as the longest living fossil,  to exist on plastic parts and multiple human organs.  We cannot fault him because he is living on parts we donated or built for him.

Our former President, George Bush is marketing a book  that was written for him.  George Bush has to be one of our great leaders.  He has friends all over the world and gets along well with world leaders.  During his administration he was able to use his power and influence to bring great leaders to the table.  He made friends in, Saudi Arabia – the home of great sheiks, rich in oil wealth – planet examples of wealthy countries where poverty does not exist.  Paradise Valley!  Home to Bin Laden.   Bush might have used, Air Guards to thwart the Twin-Tower demise.  It might have been left to fall on its own gravity, lacking central rigidity.  Air Guards would easily have captured any saboteurs.  We might have prevented 911 had we listened to NSA head, instead of trying to prosecute him for treason.
After 911, George Bush told us to get into our planes and fly into our friendly skies.  America was now safe.  We buried our Bill of Rights.  He gave us, Homeland Security.
I took a cross country trip in my, Cherokee Piper.  We flew down over Lake Erie, and crisscrossed through Canada and the US.  It was safe.  Nobody bothered us.  My friend, a commander demonstrated for me.  While we could make cross-country trips without worry, ticket holders were treated as third class citizens.  The army scared everybody.  They wore mean faces and machine guns for intimidation.  Some were masked.   Free x-rays and rectal exams are given to everybody.  It is a good thing.  You might as well wear transparent pajamas to fly in.  We are safer, we have, Homeland Security.  We do not need a, Bill of Rights.  Our government does that for us.  They watch over us.  One million, four-hundred, thousand dollars are spent in each, Michigan county to search for Marijuana.  Marijuana is a bad thing.  It makes us insecure.  We have, Homeland Security.
If you look at, Wickileaks, it shows to us where lots of our taxes go, into the ground.  Miles of tunnels, forty feet below sea level, take executives to secret destinations, faster than our public transportation can.  They are privileged.  They work for, Homeland Security.  They protect us, using our tax dollars in massive tunnel projects.  We can be fearless.  They watch over us.  We do not have to fear people harming us, just the usual thugs and murderers; and, natural disasters – floods, earthquakes, and fires.  It feels good to be secure.  We can rest well at night, knowing that we are being watched.

President Obama, wrote his book before getting into office.  It was a noble ambition he did on his own.  Some people criticize his work.  He did it.  He takes credit for it.  He writes.  You have to credit a person who writes his own articles and is able to have them published.   One really deserves credit to have a best seller!
I like Mr. Obama for  his courage.  He stands up to other people and presents his unabashed thoughts, not regarding that it might be unpopular to do so.  We were outnumbered in key areas of our election.  There were unpleasant decisions to make.  We voted for our working class.  I think we need to give him a fair chance and people are working against his will.  He came into office during a war and a growing depression.  You cannot change those things overnight, especially when the conspirators are in office and representing the wealthy.
Obama was a black horse.  We needed somebody like him to send our message to, Washington; we have enough, Homeland Security.  We do not need to spend millions of dollars to fly air planes and search for, Marijuana.  It is everywhere.  We do not have to look for it.  We should legalize it.
It seems to me that, Obama got to be more of a Republican scapegoat than our nation’s healer.  He had some good ideas, bail out Fanny Mai.  But, Republicans had better ideas.  They bought insurance to cover their debt, and made tons of money – all the money that went into the program.  Then they raised interest rates on the poor and took their homes away.  Now they could make more money by selling homes that were partially or mostly paid for by the home owners who were losing their homes.  Instead of helping people, they put the money into their pockets.  Some people make money off everything, with no regard for anybody but themselves.  Undaunted, Obama went on to put forth another program,  Cash For Clinkers.  They were supposed to give $4,500 for people who traded their, gas guzzlers for new similar vehicles.
Dealers took advantage of poor people.  They offered less money on trade-ins and collected more money from the government.  They were supposed to disable the engines and transmissions; instead, they lined the cars on main streets and sold many of them for parts, in full view of the public.
We are truly blessed to have the hallways of our legislative branches graced by the presence of Ivy League types.  There is evidently a dearth of legislators who are seriously involved in helping the working class and the working poor.  They live in gated communities close to only the people that count.  When we demand a balanced budget, they demand, Social Security cuts.  They want to eliminate retirement packages for our soldiers who risked their lives for us.  We have, Homeland Security.  Our money needs to be spent on miles of tunnels, forty feet below the ocean floor to be accessed only by our elite class.  That is our, Social Security. 
Our elections are a public sham that is managed by the likes of, Fox and others of the same ilk.  They make charades of it, mimicking those they do not want and destroying honorable characters.  Heroes look like turds.  Money rules!  
In Michigan, Governor Snyder said there is plenty of money to thwart a recall in Lansing.  He went about his business of passing the new budget, raising taxes on retired people, proposing taxing Social Security; abolishing welfare and unemployment compensation, at a time when we most need these things.  There is no better time to be living in our country for the rich.  Gasoline is only four dollars a gallon.  More people are staying at home (those who still have homes) – they are jobless – the streets are empty making great travel times for intercity travel.  Blame it on, Obama if we are having problems with our rent.
Whenever we demand a balanced budget, we are threatened with gasoline price raises.  Social Security is on the top of our chopping block.  We have, Homeland Security.  Our ex-soldiers are tough.  It is OK for them to live on the street for awhile.  They do not need jobs.  Neither do our unemployed workers.  After six months, they dissolve.  Companies can no longer see them or hire them.  They become, something else.  They do not have to look into the alleys and under overpasses, to see these people.  They live in gated communities.  There is, Homeland Security!
There is a better plan if we believe that this is wrong.  Get rid of, Homeland Security.  Put Air Guards back on the planes.  We have had public colonoscopies’.  Our rectums are clear.  Find other work for the security guards – the real terrorists who intimidate passengers.  Stop terrorizing public busses that travel at night.  Put tariffs on goods that compete with our products, and use that money to subsidize small businesses and small business farmers (using 200 or fewer acres).  Bring old computers into class shop rooms, teaching remanufacturing.   Teach children about recycling.  Take old cars and use them in class shops, learning mechanics and machine shop.  Sell the repaired cars on the school lots.  Use that money for other school projects.  Cut the red tape and legal laws that prevent our working class from making ends meet.
When, President Obama came out with an idea to stimulate our economy by rewarding companies who hire veterans, and unemployed people, I began thinking that corporations will continue business as usual.  They will hire people and fire them within 90 days.  They will call that permanent work.  Every ninety days they will rotate the help, hiring replacements and claiming multiple deductions on their replacement help, another way to deflate the sails of progress.  He needs to make the law apply to small business companies; not corporations, they have enough tax breaks.  They have to be permanent positions and the persons who are hired must work there for at least three years.  He needs to make that apply to handicap people as well, but without discriminating against other people.
One method of insurance our President might use would be to fire private enterprises that hire-for-profit tactics make it profitable to fire everybody, each ninety days.  He needs to open an office called, The Employment Office, and everybody who wants to take part in his program must use, The Employment Office.  The staff will be qualified by their abilities to communicate in friendly tones.  It will cost more to staff, The Employment Office, because real people will be hired to service job seekers.  Everybody will be welcome to use, The Employment Office to seek work. 
Another way our President may save money: give our legislators a fifty percent pay cut.      Make our legislators have the same insurance plans they are enforcing on us.  Legalize marijuana.  Use the money  that is saved, to help people get jobs.
We need to audit each faucet of government, for every penny spent.  We need to find all companies that profited from the wars and audit each company.  We need to petition for a law that bans all legislators from personal gains while using public offices.  Legislators should be barred from lobbying after leaving public offices.  They should not be allowed business incomes while holding offices.  Legislators who work in Washington should live in, Washington, while serving there.
If we like the way our country is heading and feel that, Social Security should be left in the general fund, so we can spend it on wars, we have some great people running on our, Republican tickets.  They are 100% opposed to everything, Obama.  They diss Obama care.  They are good Christians. 
Mitt Romney discredits, President Obama for the health plan; however, he passed a very similar plan while he was, Governor in Massachusetts.  That plan he claims is somehow different, because it is branded as a, Republican project.  Mitt says that what is good for, Massachusetts may not be good for the rest of our country.  Other people should get their own insurance plans, or have none.   People are being turned away from hospitals today because they have no insurance.
Michelle Bachman is a good, Christian.  God hates homosexuals and she is helping him to fight for the cause of, straight-only law.  With her plan, we can finance her homo-fix-it factory, where gay people can go in queer and come out normal.  She has no plans to address people who have both organs; they do not exist.  God does not make imperfections or trans-genders.  Everybody is born healthy.  If babies are sick, it is the devil’s fault. God has no power over that.
If we are not sure about Michelle Bachman, we might consider, Rick Perry.  He announced his candidacy and then held a huge, Christian Seminar where all true believers gathered to greet him.  Rick Perry is a good, Christian.  He told everybody to pray for Texas, even though hurricanes and floods deluged the east coast.  Texas caught on fire, for the love of Christ.  It is still burning.
Everybody needs to register, to vote in the Republican primary.  They all have a plan, it is just watery.  If we feel the need to use our, Social Security – that fifteen percent that comes from our incomes, and is supposed to be used for our retirements – we need to vote for a, Republican.  They created, Homeland Security.  They gave us a kinder, gentler nation.  Michelle Bachman said she will lower gas to two bucks a gallon.  Why cannot she do that now?  Some people still have work, it would help them get there. 
Everybody needs to register to vote in the Republican primary.  There is somebody for everybody to vote for.  If we think that something is wrong with our nation, we need to write in, Johny Appalachia, on the Republican ticket, to send the Republican party a message.  The changes we need are to help our working class and our working poor.  Everybody should register to vote in the Republican primary.

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