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Saturday, September 17, 2011


The idea that our earth’s temperature is rising,  is purely subjective, just like the executive tunnel system, 40 feet below sea level, that we pay for with our tax dollars (the money went somewhere, and we might know where, if we traced the paper trail to the receiver).  Seriously, I spoke with a friend who commented, there were sunspots only a couple years ago that created some static problems, but why should we worry? 
At the spectrum’s other end, there are the ones who predict dooms day – everybody has been wrong so far—while shakers canvass religion.  Nibiru, or something similar is coming our way – it is factual, but when? – And we can worry about what other fates await us.
Seriously, I tend to believe that our futures might be real different than we anticipate.  The question we need to answer – where we will be within our minds.  We need to be looking inside ourselves anyway, as we change with the environment.  This year we have seen more tornados and hurricanes of severe magnitudes than we can recall in our history.  However, we need to take another look.  We do not know everything that happened before we came to be.  Legends precede our lexicons. 
About a hundred years ago, legend tells us that a man stood upon a hill, instructing people not to build below that height.  The high waters settled into the soil and receded into the bay.  People forgot.  The marker was neglected.  Many years later an earth shattering quake killed thousands who could not flee the disaster, because they built too low.  That is the story of, Japan and many other places.
I always believed it was safest to build high and well.  This year and last, proved my theory wrong.  The rains came in torrents.  High winds tore trees and roots from the ground.  There was noticeable erosion.  At one time, six inches of water was steadily flowing off my hill, more like a lake than a river, but with river-like characteristics.  It rained sideways.  I compare it to weathering a mountain storm and that is dangerous -- I know.
Early this spring, Trixie and I began working on our place, installing large drains to stem the flow of gravity fed water.  There is no guarantee, but it might make the place safer and possibly prevent flooding in the basement.  There is no perfect science.  We do not know our futures – if we did, there would be no reason to live; as we could regale ourselves.
I dug deep trenches around the house area, cut back into the hill a bit and planted lots of ground cover.  I lined the trenches with corrugated drain pipe and stone; then I planted that.  The drain goes into a large body of water.  There is room for water to ebb and flow.
 No one thing I can do is a guaranteed sure fire cure.  I could do nothing at all, but that might be foolish; however, last time it rained that way, water came shooting four feet into the air from drainpipes in the floor – and I live on a hill.  It looked as if a fire hose was pumping.
I like stories but most of mine are positive.  When I need to dig a trench around the house, it is not because I enjoy backbreaking work.  The trench project began after the second time it happened.  By that time I began thinking it might happen again.  Perhaps it is just something that only happens once in a century – maybe, but I took no chances after the second time.  I knew that it could happen again – and we did not have to wait long.  I thought it worked well, until water started gushing from the cement floor ( I will address that problem soon).  The trench is working but I need to improve it.
We are living in a blessed time.  We are in contact with people around the world.  We tend to take allot of things for granted.  Remember what happened, one hundred years ago.  Read journals of, Joshua Slocum. 
History is easy to forget.  Just over a hundred years ago, the first gasoline engine was born.  It took labor unions years to develop conditions, conducive to safety.    It took a decade to send most of our jobs to other countries around the globe.  Maybe that is a good thing, except we need to have factories in our country.   Our elected government still rules as a plenipotentiary.    They developed programs that allowed them to ship our jobs away, despite our pleas.  They are currently the corporate leaders.  They started the wars and they spent our tax dollars.  Now, it is their responsibility to bring back these jobs.  Only 9 million labor jobs exist in this country today.  Most jobs are paying, minimum wages, even though we have triple digit inflation; and, some legislators want to abolish the minimum wage.
The history of science is easier to follow, partially for a simple formula, rp = .8775(51)fm – a basic ingredient for quantum physics.  If we examine earth samples we can see changes over time and we can ascertain that will continue.  We do not know what will happen (some do).  We know an asteroid is actually heading in our direction.  Some astronauts are grappling with the idea of how they might fasten to it – maybe an electro-magnet – but, that is not the only problem out there – they have a few years to work on this one.
Changes are taking place in space that will affect our environment.  We will change as well.  Our solar system is on a collision course with others, but we should not worry about that now.  There are other things to be concerned about.  Some of that stuff might not happen on our watch.  We have to deal with the changes directly affecting us now. 
Newton’s laws apply to many things, including human nature.   There will always be opposites; not good, not bad – time is passive and an instrument of our travel.  I believe our earth is warming, despite colder winters in some places.  The polar caps are currently melting.  Water tables are rising.  Say it is wrong.  Blame it on what you will.  That is all unnecessary.   We have to focus on what is at hand.   Our weather is changing and we have to change with it.  There is no harm in getting prepared. 

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